Service guide

Entry procedure

Employee Employment and Entrepreneurship Certificate Application Guide (Shanghai domicile only)

First time application conditions:

① All kinds of new growth labor force such as the city's household registration, previous graduates 

② Graduates who need to enjoy the tax support policy for self-employment

③ Municipal agriculture with Labor Manual or Employment and Unemployment Registration Certificate Persons whose household registration has changed to non-agricultural household registration

④ Other workers who meet the provisions of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau


Reissue or replacementEligibility requirements:

① Workers whose Employment and Entrepreneurship Certificates are lost or damaged and need to be replaced 

② Persons who have held the "Employment and Entrepreneurship Certificate" issued by other provinces and cities have registered Workers who need to renew their permits to move into the city

③ Employers in accordance with the "on the City to support and promote employment relevant Notice on the specific Implementation of Preferential Tax Policies Spirit Enjoy preferential tax policies, ask to change the "Employment and Entrepreneurship Certificate"


Application materials:

① Original valid ID card or social security card 

② Original and photocopy of household registration book or household registration certificate (copy of the first page of household registration book and my page)

③ Two inch ID photo of myself2张

④ Previous students who did not continue their studies should present their graduation certificates;College graduates in the graduation year need to present student ID and graduate recommendation form

⑤ In case of special circumstances, other relevant supporting materials shall be submitted

⑥ I need to fill in the Personal Basic Information Form and Labor Registration Form

⑦ If it is handled in the place of residence, it is necessary to show the Application Form for Residence Registration of the separated persons of the City's household Registration (Return receipt).


Handling place: Public employment service agencies in the streets and towns of the place of residence or residence


Warm reminder:For employment and unemployment registration certificate, it is recommended that employees first confirm with the handling agency, and may handle the exit and stop insurance procedures for the units that need to pay the staff Only after handling。Automatic failure involving:

Having reached the statutory retirement age; Enjoying basic old-age insurance benefits; Emigrating abroad; Completely losing the ability to work; Dead; Other circumstances that should be invalid according to laws and regulations。


Reference website 


If in doubt, please contact customer service 400 630 6666

Employee "remote pension transfer" handling guide

Social security accounts from other provinces and cities are transferred to Shanghai


Application requirements:

The employee can transfer the pension insurance paid in other places only after establishing the pension insurance account in Shanghai and paying the pension insurance normally


Handling place:

At present, the social security center of the unit social security payment area


Handling requirements:

In person: ① The identity card of the original unit and social security card ② The Basic Endowment Insurance Payment Certificate issued by the social security agency of the original insured place ③ Fill in the Basic Endowment insurance relationship transfer and continuation Application Form to the insured district social security center counter for transfer and continuation procedures

Entrusted to:① One copy of the employee's social security card and ID card ② The Basic Endowment Insurance payment Certificate issued by the social security agency of the original insured place ③ Fill in the Basic Endowment Insurance relationship transfer and continuation Application Form ④ the original ID card of the unit manager


Online application:

Register and log in to the national social insurance public service platform(① After login, click "Relationship Transfer" in the upper function bar to enter the social security relationship transfer interface② Click on the "Social security transfer application to the opening area of inquiry" to check whether the transfer area has opened online application business③ Click "Social security transfer application" ④ fill in my basic information and transfer information according to the prompts, click submit the application after filling in, wait for the audit result ⑤ after the audit meets the transfer conditions, according to the system prompts for the follow-up transfer process


Processing time:

The Social Security Center will send a transfer notice to the local social security institution after the review, and the local institution shall transfer the funds and payment details to the Shanghai Social Security Normal after receiving it The closing period is in4-6个月。



① Social security accounts transferred from other provinces and cities to some parts of Shanghai do not support online processing;

② Social security remote transfer currently only supports pension and medical care, andFollow the order of old-age care first and medical care later

③ If the employee's medical treatment relationship is transferred to other provinces and cities and is transferred back to Shanghai by the unit, he or she can apply for the transfer of medical treatment relationship to the neighboring district and county medical insurance center with his or her ID card, Social Security Card or medical insurance card and the relevant certificate issued by the unit Before the formalities of transferring the medical relationship back to this city, the procedures for reimbursement of sporadic medical expenses incurred in other provinces and cities shall be completed


Reference website:


If in doubt, please contact customer service 400 630 6666

Employee "transfer of accumulation fund in different places" handling guide

The provident fund accounts of other provinces and cities are transferred to Shanghai


Application requirements:

After an employee has set up a housing provident fund account in the city and has contributed to the housing provident fund, he or she may apply to the Shanghai Municipal Provident Fund Administration Center for a residence in a foreign province or city The housing accumulation fund is transferred to the city;Employees need to confirm with the original payment city whether the fund can be transferred out


Handling place:

Shanghai provident fund management center district management department


Handling requirements:

In person: ① Valid identity document of the applicantThe completed Application Form for the Transfer and continuation of the Shanghai Housing Provident Fund in different places is in duplicate

Entrusted unit: (multiple employees of the same unit simultaneously handle the transfer and continuation of housing provident fund in different places, Can entrust the unit manager on behalf of the application) ① Completed "Shanghai Centralized Housing Provident Fund transfer Application Letter" ② Completed Application Form for the Transfer and Continuation of Shanghai Housing Provident Fund (in duplicate for each employee) ③ A copy of the employee's valid ID card and the valid ID card of the unit's manager件。


Online application:

Employees who set up a housing provident fund account in this Municipality and steadily pay into the housing provident fund for more than half a year

Signed an online service agreement。 Application channel: Shanghai Housing Provident Fund official & Shanghai Provident Fund wechat public number&With the bid public cloud APP



Transfer to Shanghai in the form of payment by the current unit;② Employees are foreigners and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan working in Shanghai, currently can not apply online for personal housing provident fund transfer to the city


Reference website:


If in doubt, please contact customer service 400 630 6666

Employee "Party member relationship transfer" handling guide

Transfer conditions:

I. Meet the requirements of the client company transferred to the organizational relationship as follows:      

1, customer staff size is not less than 500 people;

2, the number of existing party members of the customer is not less than 10;  

2. Meet the requirements of party members transferred to organizational relations as follows:      

1. Party members shall establish labor relations with the client's Shanghai company;     

2. The party member's long-term work place, residence and social security payment place are in Shanghai;      

3, if the party member is not registered in Shanghai,则需提供长期在上海工作和居住的证明文件(以下任选其一):      1)党员居住地居委会开具的连续超过6个月的Residence permit明(盖章);2)党员在上海的租房合同复印件; 3)党员提供其Residence permit复Printed copy (including validity period) or copy of residence permit points notice。 

4. Probationary Party members: from the beginning of the proposed transfer to the foreign company's Deke Party Committee, to the expiration of the preparatory period, less than 3 months, no longer accept the party organization relationship;  

5. If a party member is applying for a Shanghai hukou, he/she can apply for transfer only after completing the registration procedures, and provide the latest information of the Party committee of the registered place;  

6. Party members who apply online to transfer to the Party membership organization must prepare a copy of the Application for Party Membership (9-11 pages) and a copy of the Review of Archival Materials in advance.。 See the following guidelines for obtaining the above materials:  

oneThe above party member materials should be stored in the personnel file, please confirm the location of the personnel file custodian institution before checking: 1.1 Shanghai registered Party members whose ID number is "beginning with 310" : Please consult the place of registrationDistrict and county employment promotion center or community affairs Processing center;  1.2. Shanghai household registration with ID number "not beginning with 310" : Please consult the talent service center, the employment guidance center for college graduates, and the community affairs acceptance center of the street where your household registration is located when you apply for Shanghai household registration;(Example: fresh graduates of Shanghai domicile,File in the university graduate employment guidance center;Residence permit transferred to Shanghai household registration,File in the city/district talent service center or the residence of the street community affairs acceptance center) 1.3 非Shanghai domicile:请咨询您户口所在地档案保管机构、毕业院校或发展入党的党组织;  1.4 Note: If your last employer is a state-owned enterprise, university or institution, your personnel files may be kept by your last employer;  

2.Contact fileCase custodian, obtain the Application for Party Membership (9-11 pages) photocopies and "Information Sheet on Access to Archival Materials" : 2.1 上家党组织在上海:如有需要,党员可在转入党员组织关系申请界面点击“申请档案调阅 介绍信”线上申请开阅档涵,外企德科上海公司党委生成机打介绍信,盖章后寄送给党员 本人;  2.Party members in other places: the party members themselves contact the Party organizations, the Party organizations contact the archival custodians, copy the Application Form for Party membership (pages 9-11), download and fill in the Information Form for Archival Materials (see the end of the document), and go to the archival custodians to inquire and affix the official seal。  

3.Upload the copy of the Application for Party Membership (9-11 pages) and the archive materialsThe original copy of the Material Inspection Form and the documents shall bePDF format, the file is less than 2M;  

4.Relevant precautionsPlease first prepare the above party member materials, and then contact the home party organization to issue a letter of introduction, so as not to cause the letter of introduction to expire;If the filing institution is unable to provide the application form 9-11 页复印件的,请存档机构在档案调阅情况表中写 明入党和转正的时间,具体到XX年XX 月XX日,并在上传《欧洲杯买球》的栏目里,也上传《欧洲杯买球网》;  核查档案材料齐全方可获批转入If there is a lack of file materials of Party members, the last party organization should cooperate with the party members to supplement the complete materials, after the inspection is correct, can be transferred

Transfer process:

1) A letter of introduction issued by a party member's family organization (organizational relationship Shanghai,Need to transfer out in advance in CCPM system) 2) Scan the QR code on the right side of wechat,Enter the organizational relationship transfer application process 3) Fill in the personal information accurately,Upload the letter of introduction and proof of residence in Shanghai 4) the background review is passed 5) The original letter of introduction is sent by the party member 6) The party member is enrolled in the party branch 7) The Party member contacts the party branch secretary for registration


Warm reminder:

Party members shall apply for the transfer of organizational relations with a letter of introduction within the validity period, and Party members who have not been transferred to a regular position within the one-year reserve period will not be accepted。

If in doubt, please contact customer service 400 630 6666

Employee "Shanghai New Social Security Card" handling guide



Social Security card bank acceptance outlets:

Social Security card application website:

Community Affairs Reception Service Centre Enquiry:


If in doubt, please contact customer service 400 630 6666

Employee "Individual Provident fund account transfer" handling guide

Reason for handling

Employees have paid the provident fund in different places, and now Shanghai needs to transfer the provident fund paid in different places to Shanghai

Handling agency

1. Remote provident fund handling agencies

2. Shanghai certification agency: Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center Address: No. 725 Fuzhou Road, 4th floorClick to view the provident fund management center address of each district

Handling conditions

1. Off-site policy allows transfer out

2. Shanghai has a regular provident fund account

Handling process

1. Employees confirm whether the provident fund account status in Shanghai is normal and is being paid

2. Bring my original ID card to Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center to issue a certificate of payment

3. The certificate will be submitted to the institution in the other place

4. Confirm the processing time of the local processing agency

Deadline for handling

Employees can go to the unit Provident Fund payment bank after 30 working days to check, or FESCO Adecco can confirm on their behalf


If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "Social Security into business" handling guide

Handling agency
District (county) social security agencies
Service basis
1. Interim Measures for the Management of Individual Accounts of Basic Old-age Insurance for Employees (Lao Changfa (1997) No. 116)
2. Measures of Shanghai Municipality on Old-age Insurance for Urban Workers (Decree No. 59 of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government)
Bidding conditions
The recruitment (admission) of or employment by the unit of this city, other provinces and cities or foreign personnel
Application materials
1. For employees who pay urban social insurance, please provide the following materials according to the photocopy of their ID cards:
① Non-310 ID card, Shanghai domicile employees, need to provide relevant household registration certificate (including settlement time)
② Shanghai rural household registration employees, need to provide a copy of the labor manual (page 1-3)
③ Employees with foreign household registration should provide household registration certificate (to confirm the nature of household registration) and two 1-inch photos
2. Foreign employees pay social insurance, provide:
① "Foreign Expert Certificate", "Residence Permit B Certificate", "Foreigner Employment Permit", "Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan personnel Employment Permit", "Employment approval Certificate for Expatriates in Shanghai", one of the five copies (within the validity period)
② Copy of the first page, name page and validity page of the passport
③ Copy of Chinese labor contract or employment contract
Handling process
After receiving the employee's payment materials, FESCO Adecco applies to the district Social Security Center for social security transfer, and the employee starts to pay after the verification is passed
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "Recruitment Procedures" handling guide

Handling agency
District and county employment promotion centers
Service basis
1. Regulations on Employment Services and Employment Administration (Decree No. 28 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the People's Republic of China)
2. Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Labor Contracts (Adopted at the 33rd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on November 15, 2001)
3. Opinions on Further Strengthening the Recordkeeping of Labor Employment in this Municipality (Huzhou Labor Insurance [2007] No. 25)
4. Supplementary Opinions on Further Completing the Registration Procedures for Labor Employment (Huzuozi [2007]25)
Handling materials
1. Employees registered in the city
① Labor manual
② If the file is kept in the talent center (university office), it is necessary to provide an archival card
2. Employees who are not registered in the city and pay social security and those who are registered in other places:
① Copy of ID card
② Household Registration certificate (to confirm the nature of household registration)
③ Two 1-inch photos
File jump
1. Employees registered in the city:
① Urban family account personnel, need to inform the current location of the file, according to the file information in line
② Collective account personnel, just inform the location of the current file, do not switch files
2. Non-resident and rural residents of the city are not transferred
Deadline for handling
After receiving the employee's materials, FESCO Adecco goes through the recruitment procedures with the district and county employment promotion center
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Resignation procedure

Retirement social security provident fund shutdown time

The following operations are local services and do not involve transfer to other cities

Ø post-employmentLeave within 1-3 working days

Ø File withdrawal shall be completed within 15 working days after the termination of the work, and the file shall be returned to the employee's domicile 2-3周

Ø After the payment of the last month's provident fund, the employee account will be transferred to the provident fund storage office (or next) after the provident fund is deposited.

Employee "Retirement Business" handling guide

Retirement shall be applied for by the unit for the employee

Application requirements:

Male or above60 years old, women at least 50 years old, women engaged in management, technical positions at least 55 years old [normal retirement age, but for individual provinces (such as Qinghai), the regulations will be different]

The payment period expires15 years (including deemed payment period)


Application materials:

Copy of ID card stamped with official seal

"Application Review Form for Receiving One-time Family Planning Incentive Fee for Old Age" (issued by the Family Planning Office of the street where the household registration is located)

"Pension Application Form" and "Pension Method Confirmation Form" shall be stamped with official seal

女性Those who retire between the ages of 50 and 55 will also need to provide a termination agreement


Handling process:

In the month when the employee reaches the statutory retirement age, he/she shall submit the materials to the social insurance center for review, handle the pension collection procedures, and start to pay the pension the following month


Rules for early retirement:


Guide to handling Unemployment benefits for employees

Unemployment benefit registration



Unemployment benefit



Employee "Social Security transfer to other places" handling guide


Employee "Provident fund transfer to other places" handling guide


Employee "Party member relationship transfer out" handling guide




Handling guide of employee "Withdrawal of account cancellation for Employees with domicile in different Places"

Scope of application

Non-shanghai employees who move out of the city and have established labor relations with other provinces and cities and set up housing provident fund accounts。


Handling place

Construction bank housing provident fund business outlets。


Handling requirements:

1.Original and copy of identification materials:
(1) the identity card provided by the person;
(2) Entrusted to:
① If the trustee is the spouse or direct blood relative of the truster, it is necessary to provide the identity card of the truster and the trustee, household registration book or marriage certificate, household registration certificate issued by the public security organ, etc., which can prove the relationship between the truster and the trustee, and the power of attorney issued by the truster;
② If the trustee is not the spouse or direct blood relative of the truster, it is necessary to provide the identity card of the truster and the trustee, and the power of attorney notarized by the notary office。
2.Original and photocopy of the reasons for account transfer:
(1) Household registration or household registration certificate of other provinces and cities;
(2) Proof of termination of labor relations with the municipal unit;
(3) The relevant certificate of the established housing provident fund account issued by the urban housing provident Fund management center where the labor relationship is established (need to include personal and unit housing provident fund account information and receive housing in the city
Provident fund account funds transfer account name, account number, bank, etc.)。
3.Other supporting materials:
When individuals obtain the following certification materials, they should provide the above identification materials and account transfer reasons to the relevant units or departments。
(1) The "Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Withdrawal Certificate" issued by the providing unit of the housing provident fund account;
(2) Housing provident fund account in“Shanghai provident fund Management center housing provident fund centralized sealed special accounts”Provide the "Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Withdrawal Certificate" issued by the business network of Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center and the "Application for Housing provident fund withdrawal Audit Form for households entering the tube and sealing up"。


Handling process

Individuals provide essential materials——Construction bank housing provident fund business outlets。

Processing time limit
No more than 3 working days if the formalities are complete。

Employee "apply for unemployment insurance benefits" handling guide

Handling agency  
The employment agency of the district or county where the unemployed person is registered
Service basis 
1. Measures of Shanghai Municipality on Unemployment Insurance [Hufu Fa (1999) 7]
2. Notice on Printing and distributing the Implementation Rules of Shanghai Unemployment Insurance (1999) No. 17)
Bidding conditions  
1. Have a permanent urban residence in this city
2. Discontinue employment within the legal working age due to unwillingness
3. The unemployment insurance premium has been paid for one year before this employment
4. Persons who have gone through the procedures of unemployment registration and job search registration
Application materials  
1. Labor manual
2. Unemployment insurance Registration form (for initial application)
3. Unemployment insurance claim form
4. Identification card
5. Real-name bank account passbook
Handling procedure  
1. I apply for unemployment registration and unemployment insurance registration at the street or town labor security office of the place of residence, and then apply for job registration and unemployment insurance insurance at the district and county employment agency
2. If the application is approved, the staff shall record in the Labor Manual the starting and ending date of the unemployment insurance benefits that can be enjoyed after this application;The unemployed receive unemployment insurance benefits at the bank with their bank passbook around the 15th of each month
3. If the application is not passed, the staff will inform the reason for not applying on the spot
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

In-service procedure

Employee "Medical relationship transfer" handling guide

Application conditions:

Retirees and urban and rural residents who participate in the municipal basic medical insurance for employees(hereinafter referred to as resident security personnel), need to settle in other provinces and cities or from other provinces and cities to settle back in this city

Employees who participate in the basic medical insurance for employees of this Municipality, whose place of employment is in other provinces or cities or who are transferred back to this Municipality from other provinces or cities


Handling requirements:

Medical relationship transfer out:Valid ID of the insured personThe insured's Medicare or Social Security cardWhen the serving personnel handle the transfer of medical treatment relationshipAt the same time, it is necessary to provide the certificate of the unit's assignmentIf there is an agent, the agent should also provide a valid identity document

Doctor relationship return:Valid ID of the insured personThe insured's Medicare or Social Security cardIf there is an agent, the agent should also provide a valid identity document


Way of handling:

Insured personnel or agents to provide relevant materials to the city street(town) community affairs acceptance center, the city's street (town) community affairs acceptance center only handles the transfer of retirees' medical relations and the transfer of medical relations of residents

Insured personnel or agents to provide relevant materials to the city's district medical insurance affairs center for processing

Retirees, residents provide relevant materials through Shanghai"One Netcom Office", "with the application" platform for medical relationship transfer procedures


Handling the transfer of medical treatment relationshipIn principle, it cannot be handled again within 6 months。However, persons with medical relations outside the provinces and cities, within 6 months of a serious illness or serious disease in hospital, must return to the city's medical institutions for treatment, can be issued by the city's designated medical institutions of serious illness or hospital certificates, for the transfer of medical relations

An employee who has been transferred back to this city due to his work shall be found inYou can also apply for the transfer of medical treatment within 6 months

Retirees who handle the transfer procedures for medical treatment and need to first complete the reimbursement of medical expenses in different places or the liquidation of account funds can only be insured in the district Insurance affairs center

Employee "Sporadic Reimbursement of Medical expenses" handling guide

Scope of reimbursement:

Medical expenses for emergencies in designated medical institutions of foreign provinces and cities under medical insurance

Medical expenses incurred in the city due to pre-hospital first aid, outpatient emergency medical expenses incurred during the period of reporting loss or loss of medical insurance card

The outpatient and emergency medical expenses, the hospitalization and observation expenses in the emergency observation room, and the hospitalization medical expenses incurred by the insured personnel transferred to other provinces and cities living in other provinces and cities


Bill requirements:

A receipt of medical expenses issued by a designated medical institution, and no medical insurance has been settled

In general, the insured shall apply for reimbursement to the medical insurance agency within six months of the receipt issued by the medical institution

The medical expenses incurred are covered by the medical insurance


Handling requirements:

A valid ID of the insured person

Health insurance or social security card and debit card of the insured

Special receipt for emergency medical expenses(a detailed list is required), relevant medical history and copies (such as examinations, laboratory tests, image reports, Chinese medicine prescriptions, etc.)

Special receipt for outpatient medical expenses(A detailed list is required), "Medical Insurance Card damage Notification Form", relevant medical history and copies (such as examination, laboratory tests, image reports, traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, etc.)

Special receipt for medical expenses in the emergency observation room and discharge(Observation) Summary, list of medical expenses for hospitalization in the emergency observation room and photocopy, relevant medical history data and photocopy

Special receipt for inpatient medical expenses, list of inpatient medical expenses and photocopies, discharge summary and photocopies, relevant medical history and photocopies

Other causeIn special circumstances, the medical insurance staff requires the party to supplement the relevant materials;

If it is entrusted to others, it should also provide a valid identity document of the agent


Way of handling:

The insured person or agent shall provide relevant materials to the city street(town) community affairs processing center

The insured person or agent shall provide relevant materials to the medical insurance affairs center in each district of the city

Participants provide relevant materials through ShanghaiMedical expenses reimbursement "one thing" in the theme of "One thing" in the "One thing" platform



When applying for sporadic reimbursement of basic medical expenses, the bank card information must be the debit card of the person concerned。

Employee "maternity insurance application" handling guide

Maternity insurance benefits composition:

Maternity insurance benefits include the People's Republic of China Social Insurance Law, Shanghai Urban maternity insurance Measures stipulated in the birth Living allowance and maternity medical expenses allowance are paid from the basic medical insurance fund for employees


Maternity insurance benefits paid Effective from July 1, 2016 for 5 years)

Female workers who participate in the maternity insurance of this Municipality and meet the conditions stipulated by the laws and regulations of the State and this municipality may give birth or have an abortion according to the regulations Directed the municipal social insurance agencies to apply for maternity insurance benefits

The employer shall pay the accumulated maternity insurance premium for the female employee in the month of childbirth or abortionIf the maternity insurance premium has been paid for 12 months or for nine consecutive months, the maternity living allowance shall be paid in full by the maternity insurance fund

The employer is dissatisfied with the accumulation of maternity insurance premiums paid by female workers in the month of childbirth and abortionIf the maternity insurance premium has been paid continuously for less than 9 months for 12 months, the maternity living allowance shall be paid by the maternity insurance fund according to the proportion obtained after the number of paid months ÷12, and the remaining part shall be paid by the employer where the female worker works in the month of childbirth or abortion.The employing unit shall pay the accumulated fees for the employeeAfter 12 months or 9 months of continuous payment, you can apply to the social security agency to allocate the fees that have been paid in advance


Handling place:

Every street, town (township) community affairs reception service center


Application requirements:

Family planning (If it meets the family planning policy or the conditions for having a second child stipulated by the State, it is a family planning。(The production is set up according to the regulations Medical institutions of the department of obstetrics and gynecology, childbirth or abortion (including natural abortion and induced abortion), women who fall under one of the following circumstances, may be prescribed To apply for maternity living allowance and maternity medical expenses subsidy: 1) Employed women with urban household registration in this municipality, whose units have participated in urban social insurance in this municipality and have established personal accounts in accordance with regulations 2) Unemployed women with urban household registration in this municipality participate in urban social insurance in this municipality according to regulations and establish personal accounts according to regulations 3) Freelancers with urban registration in the city, informal employment labor organization personnel, participate in the city's urban social insurance and establish a person in accordance with the regulationsAccount's; 4) Employed women who do not have urban household registration in this municipality have established labor relations with the employing units participating in urban social insurance in this municipality and have established individual accounts in accordance with regulations 5) The labor contract employees with municipal household registration recruited by foreign-invested enterprises and private enterprises participating in the rural social endowment insurance of this Municipality shall pay the old-age insurance premium and medical insurance premium and establish individual accounts according to the proportion of payment prescribed by the urban social insurance of this municipality 6) The individual industrial and commercial households and their helpers who participate in the municipal rural social endowment insurance and have municipal household registration pay the old-age insurance premium and medical insurance premium and establish personal accounts according to the payment ratio prescribed by the municipal urban social insurance


Handling requirements:

1) Original resident identity card 2) Family Planning Review Form of Shanghai Municipality's Application for Maternity Insurance Benefits or Certificate of Family Planning Status of Shanghai Municipality's Application for Maternity Insurance Benefits issued by the street town (township) level government 3) Fertility medical materials: those who gave birth in the city,The original Reproductive Medicine Certificate issued by a medical institution is required;Born in other provinces and cities,A discharge summary (or medical record) issued by a qualified medical institution indicating the maternity situation (dystocia, vaginal birth or abortion) and a copy of the baby's birth Medical certificate;Born abroad or in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan,Copies of medical records and other materials issued by local medical institutions indicating the maternity situation (dystocia, vaginal birth or abortion) are required 4) Application Form for Maternity Insurance Benefits (copy of materials)Signed by myself。In case of entrustment, an authorization signed by the principal shall be carried The original copy of the book and the resident identity card of the trustee and the copies of the front and back。If the materials are not in Chinese, a Chinese translation with the seal of the translation agency shall be provided.)

Employee "Industrial Injury Insurance" handling guide

Industrial injury identification:

Injury due to work-related accidents during working hours and in the workplace

In the workplace before and after working hours, while engaged in preparatory or finishing work related to work, he is injured by an accident

During working hours and in the workplace, accidental injuries such as violence are suffered due to the performance of work duties

Occupational ill

While out for work, he is injured or his whereabouts are unknown due to work accidents

Being injured by a motor vehicle accident while going to and from work;

Other circumstances that shall be recognized as work-related injuries according to laws and administrative regulations


As injury:

During working hours and at work, sudden illness or death inDied within 48 hours after rescue failed

Injured in the activities of safeguarding national interests and public interests such as rescue and disaster relief

The employee formerly served in the army, is disabled due to war or work-related injuries, has obtained a revolutionary disabled soldier's certificate, and his old injury recurs after he returns to the employing unit Employees who fall under items (1) and (2) of the preceding paragraph shall enjoy work-related injury insurance benefits in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Measures;The employees are In the case of item (3) of the preceding paragraph, workers shall enjoy work-related injury insurance benefits other than one-time disability compensation in accordance with the relevant provisions of these measures


Time limit for acceptance:

The employing unit shall start from the date of the accident injuryWithin 30 days, apply to the district and county labor security administrative department for identification of work-related injuries。If the employer fails to file an application for recognition of industrial injury within the prescribed time limit, the employee or his immediate family or the trade union organization may file an application for recognition of industrial injury with the district and county labor security administrative department within one year from the date of the accident


Application materials:

Application form for identification of work-related injury;

Documents certifying the existence of labor relations (including de facto labor relations) with the employer

The medical diagnosis certificate or occupational disease diagnosis certificate (or occupational disease diagnosis certificate) application form for industrial injury recognition shall include the time, place, cause of the accident and the basic information such as the degree of injury of the employee An application for recognition of a work-related injury, in addition to the materials required in the preceding paragraph of this article, may also be submitted to the employer, the relevant administrative organ or the people's court Available supporting materials


Work-related injury treatment:

Treatment of industrial injury stage, the unit pays industrial injury treatment:Pay benefits during downtime Generally not more than12 months, special or serious, after appraisal can be extended not more than 12 months of the original salary and welfare benefits unchanged Life nursing Those who need nursing care during the work stoppage period shall be responsible for the work unit

At the stage of treatment of industrial injury, work-related injury benefits paid by the industrial injury insurance fund: Medical expenses for treatment of work-related injuriesFood allowanceThe newspaper agrees to the transportation, accommodation and lodging expenses for medical treatment outside the coordinating areaRehabilitation costs for treatment of work-related injuries

Work injury treatment paid by the unit after the assessment of working ability: disability allowance for Grade 5 and 6 disabled employeesOne-off disability employment subsidy (The specific standards shall be regulated by the people's governments of provinces and municipalities and autonomous regionsFixed, calculated on the basis of social wage) Work-related injury benefits paid by the industrial injury insurance fund after the assessment of working ability: the cost of configuring assistive devicesLiving care expenses that are unable to take care of themselves (confirmed by the labor ability Evaluation Committee)Disability allowance for Level I to Level IV work-related injuriesOne-off disability benefit (based on my salary)One-off medical benefits for work-related injuries (the specific standards shall be prescribed by the people's governments of provinces and municipalities and autonomous regions, and shall be calculated on the basis of social wages)

After the working ability evaluation, the treatment of workers who die: Funeral Benefits:6 months of the average monthly wages of employees in the previous yearDependent relatives pension: a certain percentage of the employee's own salary is paid to the spouse every month40% and 30% per month for each other relativeOne-off death subsidy: the per capita disposable income of urban residents nationwide in the previous year20倍


Labor ability evaluation:

If an employee is injured at work and has a disability that affects his working ability after his injury condition is relatively stable after treatment, he shall be evaluated for his working ability。Waiting capacity After the appraisal conclusion is reached, the compensation standard for industrial injuries shall be determined。

The evaluation of labor ability refers to the grade evaluation of the degree of labor dysfunction and the degree of self-care disorder。Its labor dysfunction is divided into ten disability levels, level 1 is the most severe, level 10 is the lightest。


Labor capacity evaluation expenses:

The appraisal fee for the working ability of the employee of the employer who has participated in the industrial injury insurance shall be paid by the social insurance agency according to the provincial price, finance and labor insurance Standard payment required by the department。

If the application for initial appraisal is made by the injured worker or his immediate family members, the appraisal fee shall be made by the worker or his immediate family members at the time of application Pay in advance, and then apply to the insurance institution or the employer for treatment。


Occupational disease:

Occupational disease refers to the exposure of workers of enterprises, public institutions, individual economic organizations and other employers to dust, radioactive substances and chemicals during occupational activities Diseases caused by other toxic and harmful substances。The worker may undertake the occupational-disease-diagnosis medical and health equipment in the place where the employer is located according to law Conduct occupational disease diagnosis。If it is diagnosed or assessed as an occupational disease according to the Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, the employer shall be diagnosed and assessed as an occupational disease As ofWithin 30 days, an application for industrial injury recognition shall be submitted to the social insurance administrative department of the overall planning area。



The above requirements and standards for industrial injury operations, when the accident injury has not been determined as an industrial injury, are called accidents

Employee "Provident fund loan and purchase policy" handling guide

Personal housing loan application


Application conditions:

1The loan applicant and the joint loan applicant are the workers who normally pay the housing accumulation fund, including the individual workers who pay the housing accumulation fund in this city Merchants and their employees, part-time employees and other flexible employment personnel (hereinafter referred to as voluntary contributors)

2Employees who normally deposit housing provident fund in other provinces and cities should first provide and review the "Housing provident fund deposit Certificate for employees with loans in other places. Ming ", and meet the relevant policy requirements of off-site loans

3Meet the conditions stipulated by the national and municipal real estate control policies;

4Having full capacity for civil conduct;

5Already over18 years of age and under the legal retirement age (legal retirement age: 60 for men and 55 for women); 6、The provident fund account is unique and has not been frozen, and the current continuous full contribution to the housing provident fund has reachedSet time limit (6 months), and there is no ongoing housing provident fund withdrawal agreement (including but not limited to housing provident fund withdrawal and loan repayment agreement, housing provident fund withdrawal and rent payment agreement and other housing consumption withdrawal agreement);

7Have good credit history and repayment willingness;

8Have a stable and legal source of economic income and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan, and the borrower's family or co-borrower's family does not Have outstanding housing provident fund debts or other debts that may affect the repayment of provident fund loans;

9The family of the loan applicant and the co-loan applicant have no or only one provident fund loan history;

10The loan applicant must be the owner of the owner-occupied housing with ownership in the city and be able to provide the relevant contract or proof of purchase 文件、Proof of identity, proof of down payment and other materials that meet the requirements;

11Has paid down payment funds not less than the prescribed proportion;

12, can provide the city provident fund center approved by the way of guarantee;

13, the loan applicant's share of the mortgaged property is not lower than the average share of all property owners;

14. The applicant for joint loan shall be the spouse, parents and children of the applicant;

15, the joint loan applicant shall bear the joint repayment responsibility of the provident fund loan;

16, the loan applicant and co-loan applicant meet the other conditions stipulated by the municipal Provident Fund Management Committee or the municipal Provident fund center。


Handling place:

1、 The pure provident fund loan shall be accepted by the business department of Shanghai Housing Real Estate Financing Guarantee Co., LTD.;

2、 The provident fund portfolio loans shall be accepted by the branches of the municipal provident fund loan entrusted bank。


Handling process:

Loan reservationLoan acceptance (real estate inquiries, credit inquiries)Loan approvalSign the provident fund loan contractHandle the transfer and transfer Real guaranteeBank loan


Time limit for processing:

The loan application documents are complete and the approval time limit is not exceeded10 working days;If the loan conditions are met, the loan time limit shall not exceed 5 working days after the loan is approved


Personal housing loan review


Application conditions:

Loan applicants or joint loan applicants due to job changes and other reasons caused by omission, underpayment and supplementary payment of housing provident fund, resulting in failure to meet six consecutive months If the deposit is abnormal or caused by other special circumstances, the loan applicant can apply for reconsideration at the same time as applying for the provident fund loan。


Handling place:

1. The pure provident fund loan shall be accepted by the business department of Shanghai Housing Real Estate Financing Guarantee Co., LTD.;

2, provident fund portfolio loans are accepted by the municipal provident fund loan entrusted bank branches;

3. The reconsideration application network and the loan acceptance network shall be the same network。


Handling requirements:

1. Application materials required for loan。

2. Deposit the application materials for reconsideration for six consecutive months: (1) the original statement of the supplementary unit,Prove the reasons for missing payment and the situation of paying in arrears,And stamped with official seal or personnel department seal;If the applicant unit entrusts the third party to pay the housing provident fund on behalf of the applicant,Should indicate the entrusted fund payment matters and the name of the entrusted third party unit;(2) The original social security payment details issued by the social security institution,Need to match the provident fund payment;(3) The original and photocopy of the labor contract signed by the applicant and the housing provident fund supplementary payment unit that can prove the labor relationship;(4) If the applicant transfers the provident fund from other provinces and cities to Shanghai and the payment is not continuous for 6 months,Only the original and photocopy of the valid proof of the housing provident fund payment before and after the transfer。 3, because of other specialIf the circumstances require reconsideration, other relevant materials shall be provided。


Housing provident fund remote personal housing loans

Housing provident fund individual housing loan in different places (hereinafter referred to as the loan in different places) refers to the employee who has paid the housing provident fund in other provinces and cities (hereinafter referred to as the paid-in post in other provinces and cities) The housing provident fund individual housing loan (hereinafter referred to as provident fund loan) applied for in this City when purchasing self-occupied housing in this City, or the housing reserve deposited in this City Jin's employees (hereinafter referred to as the city's paid-in employees) apply for provident fund loans in foreign provinces and cities when purchasing self-occupied housing。


Application conditions for paid-in workers from other provinces and cities:

Workers from other provinces and cities who purchase the first set of housing or the second set of improved housing in this city, and meet the conditions of other provident fund loans in this city, can Apply for a provident Fund loan in the city:

(A) deposited in the name of the employee family has no provident fund loan record in the country and no housing in the city, identified as the purchase of the first housing;(2) The employee's family has a provident fund loan record in the country or has a house in the city or purchased a second set of improved housing Is deemed to be the purchase of a second set of improved housing。 The application of provident fund loans for paid-in employees from other provinces and cities with municipal household registration shall be given key support。 Employees from other provinces and cities who have two provident fund loan records in the country or who purchase a second set of non-improved or above housing in this city will not be accepted Manage provident fund loan applications。


The city's paid-in employee application conditions:

Employees in the city need to apply for provident fund loans in other provinces and cities, and they and their spouses have not used provident fund loans or first provident fund loans in the city If the payment has been settled, it may apply to the district management department of the Municipal provident fund Center for issuing a certificate of deposit and use。



These measures are fromEffective from September 1, 2020, valid for five years。


Provident fund purchase


Non-residents of the city also need to meet the application conditions for housing in the city to apply for provident fund loans


Application requirements:

① The purchaser must be married;

② The purchasing families do not have commercial housing in Shanghai;

③ I or my spouse have been in Shanghai recentlySocial security tax receipts accumulated for 60 months within 63 months or individual income tax receipts accumulated for 60 months within the latest 63 months

Employee "Provident fund loan and purchase policy" handling guide

Circumstances under which housing provident fund can be withdrawn:

1)长三角一体化示范区提取Housing accumulation fund偿还异地 购房贷款 2)退休一件事Housing accumulation fund离退休提取 3)既有多层住宅加装电梯提取 4)购买所有权自住住房 5)购买共有产权保障住房 6)建造、翻建、大修本市拥有所有权的自住住房 7)非合作银行提取还贷 8)提前结清贷款  9)支付房屋租赁费用 10)低收入经济困难提取申请人家庭支付本市自 住住房物业服务费 11)家庭生活困难 12)离退休 13)大部分或完全丧失劳动能力 14)出境定居 15)离境提取(在沪工作的外籍、获得境外永久(长期)居留权和台港澳人员) 16)死亡或被宣告死亡 17)其他特殊情形—自愿缴存期满 18)其他特殊情形—重复账户合并 19)未在异地缴存且封存满半年以上提取


Withdrawal of accumulation fund- Purchase an owner-occupied home with ownership


First, the purchase of owner-occupied housing with ownership (the date of issuance of the property certificate isBefore February 10, 2017)


Application Scope:

Individuals and their spouses who purchase owner-occupied housing with ownership, and do not have housing provident fund loans, and do not withdraw housing provident fund to repay loans entrusted。


Handling place:

Construction Bank housing provident fund business network or Shanghai provident fund management center business network。


Handling requirements:

1) Original identity documents: ① I provide identity documents ② entrusted: A trustee is the spouse of the principal or direct relatives need to provide identity documents of the principal and the trustee,Household registration books or marriage certificates, household registration certificates issued by public security organs, etc., can prove the relationship between the client and the trustee,Power of attorney issued by the Trustor B If the trustee is not the spouse or direct relatives of the trustor, the identity documents of the trustor and the trustee shall be provided,The letter of authorization notarized by the notary organ 2) The original of the reason proof materials: ① The purchase contract for the purchase of commercial housing and second-hand housing, and the full invoice for the purchase of second-hand housing (if the invoice cannot be provided for the purchase of second-hand housing),It is necessary to provide the deed tax payment certificate), the real estate title certificate of the purchased housing (including the original real estate title certificate) (within 5 years from the date of issuance), the withdrawal person and the buyerRelation proof ②购买公有住房且房款已付清的提供公有住房出售合同、购房全额发票、所购住房的房地产权证(发证之 日起5年内)、提取人与购房人的Relation proof ③购买公有住房产证前提取Housing accumulation fund的提供公有住房出售合同、Individual house purchase交款凭证(已加盖China Construction Bank业 务章或现金收讫章的用户联)、提取人与购房人的Relation proof ④动拆迁安置产权住房的提供房屋动拆迁安置协议书、超安置费用部分的发票或收据(安置费直接抵扣房 款的,The relocation unit shall provide a written proof of making up the difference), the real estate title certificate (including the original real estate title certificate) (within 5 years from the date of issuance), and the relationship between the extractor and the owner of the propertyHouse auction confirmation, invoice or receipt for purchase of auction house, real estate title certificate (including original real estate title certificate) (From the date of issuance5 years), the relationship between the drawer and the property owner proof 3) the city bank debit card in my name。(Recommended to bring a Class 1 bank account debit card)


Handling process:

1)购买公住房产证前提取Housing accumulation fund的:Individuals provide essential materials——交款凭证指定收款银行所在地的China Construction Bank Housing accumulation fund业务网点办理; 2)购买其他房屋的:Individuals provide essential materials—— ①提取申请人Housing accumulation fund账户在单位的,Construction Bank housing provident fund business outlets to handle ② withdrawal of the applicant's housing provident fund account in the "Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center Housing provident fund centralized storage special account", "voluntary deposit special account",The business network of Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center applies for ③ multiple withdrawal applicants at the same time,As long as there is a withdrawal of the applicant's housing provident fund account in the "Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center Housing provident fund centralized sealed special account", "voluntary contribution to the special account",All are managed by Shanghai Provident FundManage the central business network


Second, the purchase of owner-occupied housing with ownership (the date of issuance of the property certificate isOn and after February 10, 2017)


Application Scope:

1) Individuals and their spouses who purchase owner-occupied housing owned by the city,And no housing provident fund loans,2) Individuals and their spouses who purchase owner-occupied houses with ownership in other provinces and cities,The place where the house is located is the domicile of the employee himself or his spouse or his immediate relatives,And no housing provident fund loans,No withdrawal of housing provident fund to return loans entrusted


Handling place:

Construction Bank housing provident fund business network or Shanghai provident fund management center business network。


Handling requirements:

1) Original identity certificate and relationship certificate: 2) Original documents for the reason of extraction: 1) Purchase of the city's owner-occupied property house to provide a purchase contract, purchase of full invoice (purchase of second-hand housing can not provide invoices,Need to provide the deed tax payment certificate), the real estate title certificate of the purchased housing (including the original real estate title certificate) (within five years from the date of issuance) ② The purchase of self-occupied property housing in other provinces and cities to provide a purchase contract, the purchase of full invoices (the purchase of second-hand housing can not provide invoices,It is necessary to provide the deed tax payment certificate), the real estate title certificate of the purchased housing (including the original real estate title certificate) (within five years from the date of issuance), the household registration certificate (3) The housing provident fund before the purchase of the public housing title certificate to provide public housing sale contract, personal purchase payment certificate (has been stamped with the construction bank business seal or cash received seal)联) ④ Provision of housing relocation relocation agreement, invoice or receipt exceeding the relocation cost (relocation fee directly deducting the house payment),应由动拆迁单位提供补差的书面证明)、不动产权证(含原房地产权证)(From the date of issuance五年内) ⑤购买House auction confirmation, invoice or receipt for purchase of auction house, real estate title certificate (including original real estate title certificate)(发 证As of五年内) ⑥购买本市共有产权保障住房政府产权份额的提供购买政府产权份额协议、上海市共有产权保障住房政府产 权份额价款缴清证明、不动产权证(From the date of issuance5年内) 3)本人名下的本市银行借记卡。(A Class I bank account debit card is recommended 4) Other relevant materials: If the city Provident Fund Center doubts the authenticity of the employee's withdrawal behavior during the extraction audit process, it may require the employee to further provide other effective certification materials


Handling process:

1, the purchase of public housing property certificate before the withdrawal of housing provident fund: individuals to provide essential materials - payment voucher designated recipient bank housing provident fund business network handling 2) Purchase of other houses: individuals to provide essential materials - ① extract the applicant's housing provident fund account in the unit,Construction Bank housing provident fund business outlets to handle ② withdrawal of the applicant's housing provident fund account in the "Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center Housing provident fund centralized storage special account", "voluntary deposit special account",The business network of Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center applies for ③ multiple withdrawal applicants at the same time,As long as there is a withdrawal of the applicant's housing provident fund account in the "Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center Housing provident fund centralized sealed special account", "voluntary contribution to the special account",All are managed by Shanghai Provident FundManage the central business network

Employee "Residence Permit application" handling guide

1. Registration of residence


Application conditions:

Persons who come to Shanghai from within the territory shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State and this Municipality, complete residence registration at the community affairs acceptance service center of their current place of residence。


Handling place:

Community affairs reception service center of your current residence。


Application materials:

1) Fill in the "Residence Registration Information Form" 2) Provide a copy of the resident ID card or household registration book (check the original),And one of the following certificates of legal residence in Shanghai: ① living in the housing purchased by oneself or close relatives,Provide a copy of the corresponding real estate ownership certificate (check the original) ② living in the rental housing of oneself or close relatives,Provide a copy of the housing rental contract registration and record certificate issued by the housing management department (the original inspection) ③ living in the unit or school dormitory,Provide the dormitory certificate issued by the unit, school personnel or security department。 The term "close relatives" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes spouses, children, grandparents, maternal grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and siblings。Those who live in houses purchased or rented by their close relatives shall also provide the corresponding proof of kinship


Warm reminder:

The validity period of residence registration is one year, after which a new application must be made If the residence registration information of the resident who has registered in Shanghai changes, he/she shall go through the information change procedures at the community affairs acceptance service center of his/her current residence. And in accordance with 2) The provisions of Article 2, provide relevant supporting materials


2. Residence permit processing


Application conditions:

To leave the place of permanent residence registration and apply for residence registration in this city for at least six months, meet the conditions of lawful and stable employment, lawful and stable residence, and continuous study One of the domestic personnel to Shanghai


Handling place:

Community affairs reception service center of your current residence。


Application materials:

1) Fill in the Application Form for Shanghai Residence Permit 2) Provide a copy of the resident ID card or household registration book (check the original) Where the current residential address of the applicant is inconsistent with the residence registration address, the applicant shall provide the corresponding residence certificate in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of these Rules


Information changes:

If the holder's residential address or other registration information in this municipality has changed, it shall be registered inWithin 30 days, bring the relevant certification materials to the community affairs reception service center of your current residence to go through the information change procedures


Redemption and replacement:

If it is damaged and difficult to identify or lost, the holder shall promptly go to the community of his current place of residence with a valid identity certificate such as a resident ID card or household registration book Transaction reception service center for reclaiming and reclaiming procedures。If the certificate is lost, the loss can be reported at the same time


Residence Permit Endorsement:

Residence Permit is signed once a year The holder should be before the expiration of the "Residence Permit" endorsement periodWithin 30 days, go to the community affairs reception service center of your current place of residence to apply for endorsement, fill in the Application Form for Shanghai Residence Permit, and bring the holder of your Residence Permit who fails to sign within the time limit, the use of the Residence Permit will be suspended, and the use of the Residence Permit will resume after the application of the endorsement procedure。If the visa is reapplied within 60 days after the deadline, the residence permit holder's years of residence in this city shall be counted continuously from the date of reapplying the visa。If the visa application is made up 60 days after the expiration date, the residence permit holder's years of residence in this city shall be recalculated from the date of the visa application。


The Residence Permit has the following main functions: 

1)作为《欧洲杯买球网》持有人(以下简称持证人)在本市居住的证明; 2)记录持证人基本情况、居住地变动情况等人口管理所需的相关信息;

Employee "Residence Permit Points Application" handling guide

Simulation score over120 points to apply for residence permit points: 


Rules for handling residence permit points:


Change of residence permit points:

Talent center application unit change (the employer needs to be registered online and approved by the acceptance point)


Handling place:

The holder of the residence permit changes the work unit, from the employer to the district talent service where the unit is registered, the community or the private non-enterprise registration place Central management


Handling requirements:

1) The original and photocopy of the holder's ID card and residence permit 2) Provide the original and photocopy of the labor (employment) contract for more than one year during the contract period 3) the business license of the unit (registration certificate of the legal person of the institution, the certificate of the association or non-enterprise legal person) and the copy of the organization code certificate or the unified social credit code certificate 4) the original and photocopy of the previous unit's return form


Warm reminder:

Procedures need to be completed within the validity period of the Shanghai Residence Permit points by the personnel specialist of the employer with the letter of introduction of the unit and the original ID card of the personnel specialist (retained for recovery Printed copies) to declare, other units and individuals can not declare


Residence permit and Residence Permit points Function use:


Employee "Account application" handling guide

At present, Shanghai is divided into the following situations, which need to apply through the unit, and the unit has been recorded in the talent, and employees need to meet at the same time Labor contract signing units, social security payment units and individual income tax payment units shall be consistent。

Transfer of residence:



Overseas returnees settle down:




Talent introduction:



Fresh graduates settle down:

The policy is updated every year, and those who settle down need to pay attention to the notice of non-Shanghai college graduates entering Shanghai for employment

Employee "Individual Income tax special deduction application" handling guide

The special deduction of individual tax meets the application conditions 7项)

Infant care expenditure:

For taking care of infants and young children under the age of 3, the standard deduction of 1000 yuan can be deducted by one parent at 100% of the standard deduction, or by both parents at 50% of the standard deduction。

Home Loan Interest expense:

1) Housing in China purchased by oneself or spouse;2) It is the first housing loan, and it is still paying the loan after deducting the year;3) Housing loan interest expenses and housing rent expenses are not deducted at the same time


Housing rent expenditure:

1) I and my spouse do not own a house in the main city of work;2) I and my spouse deduct the annual undeducted housing loan interest expenses;3) If the main working city of the spouse is the same, the spouse has not enjoyed the deduction of housing rent expenses in the deduction year


Continuing education expenditure:

Qualifications (degree) The qualifications for continuing education need to be deducted from the year of receiving educational qualifications (degree) in China。Continuing education for vocational qualifications is required In addition to the annual professional qualification or professional and technical personnel professional qualification certificate


Expenditures for supporting the elderly:

1) The dependant in the deduction year has reached the age of 60 (inclusive) (the dependant includes: ① parents;(2) The taxpayer is a non-only child,You can choose to share the support equally,Apportionment agreed by the dependants and apportionment designated by the dependants;If the contribution is agreed upon by the dependant or designated by the dependant,A written assessment agreement must be signed


Children's education expenditure:

Having children meets one of the following two conditions:① Deduction for full children in the year 3 years old and in the pre-primary stage;② Children are receiving full-time academic education in the deductible year。Note that the deduction ratio for the father and mother of the same child shall not exceed 100%


Medical expenses for serious diseases:

The medical expenses within the scope of the medical insurance list, and the personal out-of-pocket payment after medical insurance reimbursement;There is a personal burden over 15,000 yuan of drug expenses


Individual income tax special additional deduction and deduction standard:


Employee "Tax receipt Issuance" handling guide

Tax form printing (Before January 1, 2019) Register with Shanghai Electronic Tax Bureau:, select "I want to do taxes"Certification issue Personal income tax list inquiry and applicationSelect the date you want to queryDownload and print



Tax form printing (After 1 January 2019, Register with the Natural Person Electronic Tax Office ( the personal real name loginFeatured applications (currently required Must be accessed from this interface)Issuance of tax recordsSelect the date you want to issueDownload and print (the password to unlock the file is the last six digits of the ID card)


Leave regulations for employees

Annual Leave:

The number of annual leave days is determined according to the accumulated working hours of the employee。During the period when employees work in the same or different employing units, and in accordance with laws, administrative regulations or regulations of The State Council If it is deemed to be the working period, it shall be counted as the accumulated working time。The specific period of leave is: 1)职工累计工作已满 1年不满 10 年的,年休假 5天; 2)职工累计工作已满10年不满20年的,年休假 10天; 3)职工累计工作已满20年的,年休假15天。 National statutory holidays and rest days are not included in the annual holidays。The unit may also specify the number of annual leave days, allowing more than the statutory days but not less than the number of annual leave days stipulated by the state



Female workers enjoy basic maternity leave for 98 days after a single birth.In addition to the maternity leave stipulated by the state, you can also enjoy an additional 60 days maternity leave (incentive leave).。Prenatal leave of 15 days;If childbirth is difficult, the maternity leave shall be increased by 15 days;In case of multiple births, maternity leave shall be increased by 15 days for each additional birth。 Abortion leave: 15 days under 4 months;Over 4 months and 42 days。 Male workers: can take 10 days paternity leave, including weekends, in case of statutory holidays



Under what circumstances can the State ask for personal leave for enterprise employeesAs well as the issue of salary treatment for personal leave has not made uniform provisions, enterprises can formulate their own rules and regulations according to the specific situation。The rules and regulations formulated by enterprises in accordance with the law are binding as long as they do not violate the laws and regulations of the State。In practice, it is generally agreed between the enterprise and the employee in the labor contract on the matter of asking for personal leave, such as the maximum number of days per month for personal leave, otherwise it will be dismissed and other penalties。At the same time, if an employee asks for personal leave, the company will convert the corresponding deducted salary according to the actual working days of the employee



When an enterprise employee needs to stop working for medical treatment due to illness or non-work-related injury, he or she shall be given three months to two months according to his or her actual working years and working years in the unit Fourteen months of medical treatment。Sick pay requirements: During the treatment of an employee's illness or non-work-related injury, the employee shall be paid by the enterprise in accordance with relevant regulations during the prescribed medical treatment period Leave pay or sickness benefit, sick pay or sickness benefit may be paid below the local minimum wage standard, but not below the minimum wage standard 80% of employees due to illness or non-work-related injury continuous leave within 6 months, the enterprise shall pay sick pay according to the following standards: continuous service less than two years, according to 60% of the labor capital;For those who have worked continuously for two years but not more than four years, they shall be paid at 70% of their wages;Four consecutive years of service noSix years on my own salary80% distribution;For those who have continued to work for six years but not more than eight years, they shall be paid at 90% of their wages;An employee who has worked continuously for eight years or more and is paid at 100% of his or her salary for a continuous leave of more than six months due to illness or non-work-related injury,Enterprises shall pay sick pay according to the following standards: continuous service of less than 1 year,40% of my salary;Continuous service of not less than one year but not more than three years,Based on 50% of my salary;Continuous service of 3 years or more,Pay at 60% of my salary。



Spouses and parents of employees(adoptive parents), children, immediate siblings death, the city can apply for 3 days of bereavement leave;Non-immediate family members are entitled to 1 bereavement leave。



The legal marriage age shall not be earlier than 22 years old for men and 20 years old for women, and they may enjoy three days of marriage leave。Increased marriage leave in Shanghai: In addition to enjoying the marriage stipulated by the state, the marriage leave is increased by seven days。

Employee "Residence Permit unit change" handling guide

Community handling work unit information change
1) Residence permit
2) Application for change of Shanghai Residence Permit Information
3) Copy of the original labor contract
* Agent: Employee himself
* Address: Residence community affairs reception Service center
Change of applicant of Talent Center (after community change)
1) Copy of original valid ID card and residence permit
2) Copy of the original labor contract
3) Copy of business license and organization code certificate
4) The original copy of the last employer's return slip
5) The personnel introduction letter of the unit, the copy of the original ID card
* Agent: unit personnel
* Address: the district (county) talent center where the employer is located
办理结果:信息变更后当场领取《<上海市Residence permit>积分通知书》,并同时更新Residence permit卡内信息

Employee "Residence Permit New Office" handling guide

1) Application Form for Residence Permit
3) Copy of original identity certificate
4) Proof of residence in the city for more than 6 months
5) Provide a labor contract with a term of more than 6 months
6) Proof of participation in the municipal employee social insurance for at least 6 months
7) Other supporting materials

* Place of application: the residence permit acceptance network of the street of the residence, please refer to the following:

* Agent: Employee himself

Employee "Residence Permit points confirmation" handling guide

Handling agency
Acceptance point of talent service center in the district where the employer is registered

Service basis
1. Measures for the Administration of Residence Permit of Shanghai Municipality (Decree No. 2 of the Municipal Government)
2. "Shanghai Resident Permit Points Management Trial Measures" (Hufu Fa (2013) No. 40)
3. Implementation Rules of the Measures for the Management of Residence Permit Points in Shanghai (Shanghai People's Society Lifa (2015) No. 31)
Bidding conditions
Individual employee
1. The "Shanghai Residence Permit" has been signed at the community affairs reception service center of the residence
2. Social security payment units and labor contract signing units shall be consistent
3. The labor contract signed with the Shanghai company shall be more than 2 months from the date of application to the termination date of the contract
4. To dispatch employees, sign a contract with a dispatching intermediary company, and dispatch them to the Shanghai company or wholly foreign-owned representative office, the contract term must be at least one year, and more than 2 months from the termination date of the contract
Employee company
1. Registered in Shanghai
2. The reporting unit is a wholly foreign-owned representative office in Shanghai, which needs to be dispatched through an intermediary
Application materials
Basic materials (required)
1. Application Form for Shanghai Residence Permit Points
2. Residence permit
3. Identification card
If the information changes, provide corresponding materials
1. Household register or household registration certificate
2. Diploma, degree certificate
3.  The qualification certificate of professional and technical positions obtained during the period of working in this Municipality, the letter of appointment of the unit, the professional and technical vocational qualification certificate, and the national vocational qualification certificate of skills
4. If the spouse is registered in this municipality, the marriage certificate, spouse ID card and spouse household register shall be provided
5. Materials required for tax investment or Local Employment credits:
① Capital verification report of the holder's investment enterprise in the city
② Industrial and commercial archives machine reading materials
③ Tax details of the city for the last three consecutive years
④ The list of employees of the city's household registration issued by the employer for the most recent 3 consecutive years (the employee's social insurance must be paid in the city for more than 6 months continuously)
⑤ Certificates of recognition and award from municipal organs such as Ministry, committee, office, bureau and above obtained by the holder during his/her work in the city (If the holder applies for bonus points for recognition awards, bonus points can be obtained after the organizer of recognition and award has filed with the Office of the Coordination Group of the Municipal Evaluation Standard Recognition work)
Family attache
1. Spouse non-resident household registration book (detailed address home page, personal information page) or collective account of origin information page
2. Marriage certificate
3. Identification card
Underage only child
1. Children's household register
2. Medical certificate of birth
3. One-child certificate
4. Certificate of enrollment and school status (16 years old or above)
5. Parents' marriage certificate
Minors are not only children
1. Children's household register
2. Medical certificate of birth
3. Birth permit, second child approval form
4. Parents' marriage certificate
5. Certificate of enrollment and school status (16 years old or above)
Note: If an attache is added, it is also necessary to provide the principal witness residence permit and ID card
Service procedure
1. Employers must first register online (
2. The personnel of the employer shall present his ID card, letter of introduction, business license, organization code certificate (check the original) and code card to the talent service center of the district where the employer is registered for unit audit
3. After the completion of the audit, the employer or employee logs in to the Internet for online registration and information filling, and the employer reviews the personal information
4. The personnel of the employer shall submit the relevant declaration materials to the talent service center of the district where the employer is registered with the ID card and the letter of introduction
5. After the approval, the personnel of the employer will go to the talent center of the acceptance point to receive the "Point Notice".
Deadline for handling
After the files arrive and the materials are officially accepted, the results will be approved within 20 working days
Related website:

If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "Residence Permit Points Application" handling guide

Handling agency
Acceptance point of talent service center in the district where the employer is registered
Service basis
1. Measures for the Administration of Residence Permit of Shanghai Municipality (Decree No. 2 of the Municipal Government)
2. "Shanghai Resident Permit Points Management Trial Measures" (Hufu Fa (2013) No. 40)
3. Implementation Rules of the Measures for the Management of Residence Permit Points in Shanghai (Shanghai People's Society Lifa (2015) No. 31)
Bidding conditions
Individual employee
1. Have obtained the "Shanghai Residence Permit" and the simulation score reaches the standard score of 120 points
2. Social security payment units and labor contract signing units shall be consistent
3. The term of the labor contract signed with the Shanghai company must be at least one year, and the termination date of the contract must be more than six months
4. To dispatch employees, sign a contract with a dispatching intermediary company, and dispatch them to the Shanghai company or wholly foreign-owned representative office, the contract term must be at least one year, and the termination date of the contract must be more than six months
Employee company
1. Registered in Shanghai
2. The reporting unit is a wholly foreign-owned representative office in Shanghai, which needs to be dispatched through an intermediary
Application materials
1. Basic materials (required)
① Application Form for Shanghai Residence Permit Points
② Residence permit
③ Household registration certificate
④ Identity card
(5) Labor contracts of one year or more;Qualified agencies to dispatch talents, also need to provide the dispatch unit and the labor unit dispatch agreement, dispatch post agreement
⑥ Information table of personnel to be transferred

Integral material
1. Diploma, degree certificate
3. The qualification certificate of professional and technical positions obtained during the period of working in this Municipality, the letter of appointment of the unit, the professional and technical vocational qualification certificate, and the skill category
4. National vocational qualification certificate
5. If the spouse is registered in this municipality, the marriage certificate, spouse ID card and spouse household register shall be provided
6. Materials required for tax investment or Local Employment credits:
① Capital verification report of the holder's investment enterprise in the city
② Industrial and commercial archives machine reading materials
③ Tax details of the city for the last three consecutive years
④ The list of employees of the city's household registration issued by the employer for the most recent 3 consecutive years (the employee's social insurance must be paid in the city for more than 6 months continuously)
⑤ Certificates of recognition and award from municipal organs such as Ministry, committee, office, bureau and above obtained by the holder during his/her work in the city (If the holder applies for bonus points for recognition awards, bonus points can be obtained after the organizer of recognition and award has filed with the Office of the Coordination Group of the Municipal Evaluation Standard Recognition work)
Family attache
1. 配偶  
① Spouses of foreign residents household register (detailed address home page, personal information page) or collective account of origin information page
② Marriage Certificate
③ Identity card
2. Underage only child
① Children's household register
② Medical certificate of birth
The only child certificate
④ Certificate of enrollment and school status (16 years old or above)
⑤ Parents' marriage certificate
3. Minors are not only children
① Children's household register
② Medical certificate of birth
③ Birth permit, second child approval form
④ Parents' marriage certificate
⑤ Study certificate and school status certificate (16 years old or above)
Note: If an attache is added, it is also necessary to provide the principal witness residence permit and ID card
Fresh graduates apply for points
Fresh students apply for residence permit points (until January 31 after graduation) materials are referred to general personnel residence permit points application, the difference is as follows:
1. Need to provide "Shanghai Employment Notice"
2. No education verification required
3. No need to shift
Service procedure
1. Employers must first register online (
2. The personnel of the employer shall present his ID card, letter of introduction, business license, organization code certificate (check the original) and code card to the talent service center of the district where the employer is registered for unit audit
3.  After the completion of the audit, the employer or employee logs in to the Internet for online registration and information filling, and the employer reviews the personal information
4. The personnel of the employer shall submit the relevant declaration materials to the talent service center of the district where the employer is registered with the ID card and the letter of introduction
5. After the approval, the personnel of the employer will go to the talent center of the acceptance point to receive the "Point Notice".
Deadline for handling
After the files arrive and the materials are officially accepted, the results will be approved within 20 working days
Related website:

If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Staff "Shanghai to attract Domestic talents to work in Shanghai Talent Introduction" management guide

Handling agency
The district (county) talent service center or the city talent service center where the unit is registered shall apply
Service basis

1. Trial Measures of Shanghai Municipality for Applying for Permanent Residence Registration by Introducing Talents (Hufu Fa (2010) No. 28)
2. Implementation Rules of the Trial Measures for Applying for Permanent Residence Registration of Shanghai Municipality for the Introduction of Talents (Huren Society Lifa (2010) No. 44)
3. Issues Concerning the Introduction of Talents to Apply for Permanent Residence Registration in Shanghai (Huren Society Lifa (2011) No. 53)
4. Measures for the Implementation of a More Open Domestic Talent Introduction Policy for the Construction of Science and Technology Innovation Centers with Global Influence (Huren Social Development (2015) No. 41)

Bidding conditions
Individual employee
Stable work in Shanghai, professional (performance) consistent with the position, generally should be able to work in the unit for more than five years, and meet one of the following conditions:
1. Professional and technical personnel and managers with doctoral degree and corresponding degree or with senior professional and technical post qualification and appointed to the corresponding post
2. People who have received government awards at provincial or ministerial level or above
3. Leaders of national major science and technology special projects, national important science and technology plan projects and municipal major science and technology projects and core members of their teams
4. Candidates listed in the provincial and ministerial level and above personnel training program
5. Personnel who hold senior management positions in key industries and fields supported by the city and have postgraduate education and obtained corresponding degrees
6. The city's key institutions of modern service industry such as finance, trade and shipping, key fields of high-tech industrialization, high-tech enterprises, high-tech achievements transformation projects, and R&D centers with independent legal personality invested and established in the regional headquarters of multinational companies in Shanghai are in short supply of professional and technical personnel, managerial personnel and innovation personnel with bachelor's degree or above and obtained corresponding degreesKey team member。They should be the business backbone in urgent need of the unit, and have more than two years of corresponding work experience (as of the date of declaration)
7. The city's key introduction institutions, projects or enterprises that have made significant contributions are in short supply of professional and technical personnel and management personnel with bachelor's degree or above and obtained the corresponding degree
8. The development of key industries in this city is in short need of highly skilled talents who have obtained the national first-level vocational qualification certificate (senior technician), or obtained the national second-level vocational qualification certificate (technician) and won the national and provincial or ministerial level skills competition awards engaged in skilled occupations and types of work in the frontline。National and provincial skill competition awards refer to national or provincial skill talent recognition, national skill competition gold, silver, bronze awards or provincial skill competition gold or first prize。The scope of skilled occupations and types of work will be released separately
9. The city's culture, art, sports, traditional medicine, agricultural technology and other special industries are in short need of specialized talents
10. Entrepreneurial talents who hold senior management positions in enterprises that have invested in Shanghai at a leading level in the industry and made significant contributions to the economic and social development of the county where the investment is made
11. Other talents who are in short supply and in urgent need and have special talents
12. Scientific and creative talents
(1) Entrepreneurial talents
The entrepreneurial talents who have obtained the initial venture capital investment of 10 million yuan or more from the science and technology business incubator or venture capital institution, or the accumulated venture capital investment of 20 million yuan or more (the capital must be in place and the continuous investment for 1 year) in the city's enterprises with a shareholding ratio of not less than 10%,Have worked in the enterprise continuously for at least 2 years,You can directly apply for permanent residence in this city。
(2) Innovative and entrepreneurial intermediary service talents
Have been engaged in technology transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements for at least 2 years in the municipal technology transfer service organization,In the last three years, the total technical transaction volume of 50 million yuan and above has been achieved (the parties to the technical contract are not less than 5 and not affiliated enterprises,The performance rate of the technical contract reaches 70% or above) the first consumator of the technical contract,You can directly apply for permanent residence in this city。
(3) Venture capital operation personnel
The partner or vice president and above senior management talents of the city's venture capital institutions, who have completed the cumulative investment in the city of 30 million yuan, can directly apply for the city's permanent residence。
(4) Senior management, technical and technical personnel
Enterprise senior management, science and technology and skilled personnel who have paid the social insurance premium base of employees in the city for a total of 36 months in the last 4 years and have paid the average social wage of employees in the city in the previous year, and have paid the personal income tax accumulated to 1 million yuan, can directly apply for the permanent residence in the city。
(5) Entrepreneurs
At the same time, entrepreneurs who meet the following conditions can directly apply for the permanent residence of the city: (1) the legal representative of the operation of the City's enterprise (as the chairman or general manager) or the founder who holds no less than 10% of the stock。(2) The annual operating income profit margin of the enterprise is more than 10% for three consecutive years,And the tax payable in the previous year is not less than 10 million yuan;Or technology enterprises for three consecutive years, the annual growth of main business income of more than 10%,And the tax payable in the previous year is not less than 10 million yuan;Or enterprises listed in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other capital markets。(3) The production process, equipment and products of the enterprise do not belong to the restricted or eliminated categories prescribed by the State and this Municipality。(4) The enterprise has no record of major violations of laws and regulations and penalties, and no record of bad faith。

Employee company
1. The labor contract is not declared during the probation period, and the labor contract must be signed for more than 3 years, and the labor contract must have more than 2 years of validity when the declaration is submitted
2. The labor contract must be signed with the Shanghai company, and the reporting unit of both parties cannot be a representative office or an office, and it cannot be declared through an intermediary agency
3. The talents introduced by the employing unit should generally be able to work in the unit for more than five years。For those who are particularly excellent or especially in short supply, the age requirements can be appropriately relaxed。However, the actual working years must be 2 years or more (working in other provinces and cities is also acceptable)
5. The employing unit shall operate normally, have no record of integrity, pay taxes according to law, and participate in the municipal social insurance according to regulations

Employee's family
If the imported talents are married, their spouses and minor children can go through the formalities of household registration transfer at the same time

Application materials
Individual employee
1. Resident ID card, household registration book (need detailed address page and my own information page), collective household registration by the public security department issued by the original household registration certificate。
2. Proof of marital status, including:
(1) Unmarried: unmarried certificate issued by the civil affairs department of the place of residence。
(2) Married: marriage certificate。
(3) Divorce: divorce certificate, divorce agreement or court mediation, judgment。
3.A family planning certificate issued by the population and family planning department at or above the township where the residence is registered, including:
(1) Married without children: provide proof of married without children。
(2) Married with children: Provide the Medical Certificate of Birth, the Honor Certificate of the Parents of the only Child or other relevant certification materials in line with the family planning policy。
4.Diploma, degree certificate and verification report。
5.Proof of social insurance payment and personal income tax payment certificate during employment, including:
(1) If you have no work experience in Shanghai and enter Shanghai directly from other provinces and cities, you shall provide proof of social insurance payment and personal income tax payment certificate at the place of employment in other provinces and cities。Those who do not participate in social insurance while working in institutions of other provinces and cities shall provide corresponding certification materials。
(2) Those who have been working steadily in Shanghai shall participate in the municipal social insurance and pay taxes according to the regulations, and the payment of social insurance premiums shall be checked by the accepting personnel of each acceptance point。The imported talents shall provide the personal income tax payment certificate during the period of employment in this city。
6.Certificate of city residence, including:
(1) The real estate title certificate of the residence of the imported talent or his or her spouse in Shanghai or the rental housing certificate of the spouse。
(2) Living in talent apartments, employee dormitories, etc., provide a copy of the corresponding collective household register or household registration certificate, as well as consent to the settlement certificate。
(3) To settle in the city's immediate family home, provide proof of the identity relationship between the introduced talent and the immediate family, the real estate rights certificate of the immediate family's residence in Shanghai or the certificate of renting residential public housing, the resident registration book of the immediate family, and the written proof of the agreement to settle jointly signed by all the registered personnel in the household registration book。
(4) Settled in the city or district and county talent service center collective account, provide the urban and county talent service center issued a certificate of consent to settle。
7.The certificate of consent issued by the transfer unit (or the archival custodian unit) of the applicant's foreign province or city. If the archives are already in Shanghai, the original certificate of custody issued by the archival custodian department shall be provided。
8.Other relevant materials provided by the human resources and social security department together with other relevant departments as required。

Employee company
1.Unit letter of introduction, handling personnel ID card。
2.The contents of the application report of the unit shall include the introduction of the unit, the application matters and reasons。
3.Copies of business license of enterprise legal person (registration certificate of institution legal person) and organization code certificate (with the official seal of the institution);If the unit is a branch company, the copy of the business license of the head office and the letter of authorization of personnel shall also be provided。
4.Application Form for Talent Introduction in Shanghai。
5.A labor (employment) contract with a term of 3 years or more and valid for 2 years or more from the date of application。
6.Relevant materials reflecting political quality, ability and performance, and illegal records such as non-participation in illegal organizations。
Employee's family
1.Spouses move with them, including:
(1) The spouse shall provide the same information as the applicant。
(2) If the spouse moves with him/her, he/she shall provide his/her ID card, household register and relevant proof of retirement or unemployment in other places。
(3) If the spouse does not transfer to Shanghai for the time being, the identity card, household registration book, and written proof of commitment signed by both the introduced talents and the spouse shall be provided。
(4) If your spouse is already in Shanghai, provide your ID card, household register and proof of working relationship。
2.Accompanying materials for minor children, including:
(1) Provide the household register or household registration certificate。
(2) Children over the age of 16 who are studying in full-time ordinary high schools should also provide proof of study, school status certificate or school status card。

Service procedure
1. The party that meets the qualifications for talent introduction shall apply to the unit to which it belongs
2. The personnel of the reporting unit shall go to the talent service center of the city or district where the unit is registered to make the declaration

Deadline for handling
After the formal acceptance of the materials, 60-80 working days to approve the results

Related website:
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "fresh graduates settle down" management guide

Shanghai Student Affairs Center
Service basis
Notice on the Employment of non-Shanghai Graduates in 2016 (Shanghai Education Commission (2016) No. 23)
Bidding conditions
Individual employee
1. Have signed an employment agreement with the employer (direct employment agreement)
2. Good conduct, physical and mental health, no violation of law and discipline record and behavior
3. The corresponding academic certificates and degree certificates should be obtained
The following circumstances do not belong to the scope of applying for the city's household registration of non-Shanghai graduates in Shanghai employment。
1. Intermediary agencies dispatch personnel
2. The training method is commissioned, directed or on-the-job training graduates
On-the-job training graduates refer to graduates whose employers have paid social insurance for them in Shanghai during their school years (except for enterprises where I am the legal representative)。
Employee company
1. Party and government organs, public institutions, social organizations, private non-enterprise units (legal persons) registered in the administrative area of this Municipality, as well as in line with the direction of industrial development of this Municipality, registered capital of more than 1 million yuan (inclusive) and registered one year before the acceptance deadline (May 31, 2015) (excluding enterprises independently established by graduates of ordinary colleges and universities), letterAll kinds of employers with good reputation directly hire fresh college graduates。
2. An employer that does not meet the above conditions,If it is necessary to introduce non-Shanghai students fresh college graduates,In principle, before May 10, 2016, the human resources work department of the competent government department, the local district and county government or the competent authority of the park,Submit an application in the form of an official document to the Joint Conference Office,It shall be accepted after approval。
3. Where the employer has discharged all the graduates from the labor (employment) relationship after applying for direct settlement in 2015, the application for settlement submitted by the employer in 2016 will not be accepted。
Apply for
1.  The enterprise must have applied for the university information registration number of the year
2.  Enterprises that have applied for the university information registration number and have the authority to independently recruit and employ employees, and employees who meet the requirements for applying for permanent residence of non-Shanghai graduates shall submit household registration application materials
3.  Employees who pass the household registration approval submit the materials for applying for Shanghai household registration
4.  Employees who fail to pass the examination and approval apply for Shanghai fresh student residence permit
5.  The applicant should go to Shanghai Student Affairs Center (No. 401 Guanshengyuan Road) to make the declaration
Application materials
1. Apply for household registration form for employment in Shanghai
2. Personal information sheet
3. Graduate recommendation form
4. Report card
5. Employment agreement
6. English grade certificate
7. Computer rank certificate
8. Company business license
9. Bonus point
① Patent certificate (with patent publicity certificate)
② Merit students, excellent league members and other award certificates (check the original)

10. Other materials

 ① Both or one of the parents of the graduates is a branch or branch employee of this municipality

    The household registration certificate issued by the police station in the place where the parents moved out

    Proof of work experience of both parents or one parent

    The certificate of kinship issued by the public security police station where the graduates registered before entering the school

 ② Both parents of the graduates have moved to Shanghai:
    Household registration certificate issued by the police station where both parents are registered
    A certificate of kinship issued by the police station
 ③ If the graduate is married and the husband and wife have separated for more than one year (excluding less than one year) before the declaration deadline:
    Household registration certificate issued by the public security office where the other spouse's household registration is located in Shanghai
    Copy of marriage certificate (original)
 (4) The establishment of enterprises in this city (excluding the joint-stock transfer, the late injection of capital into the entrepreneurial enterprises) :
They should sign an employment agreement with the enterprise they founded, and must submit a non-zero registration verification certificate of the company and a certificate of self-employment issued by the school or training unit (college graduates funded by the Shanghai University Students Science and Technology Venture Fund only need to submit a relevant certificate issued by the fund management agency).
Time limit for acceptance
Before May 31 of that year
Related website:
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "Residence Permit Points Unit change" handling guide

Handling agency
Acceptance point of talent service center in the district where the employer is registered
Service basis
1. Measures for the Administration of Residence Permit of Shanghai Municipality (Decree No. 2 of the Municipal Government)
2. Trial Measures of Shanghai Municipality for the Management of Residence Permit Points (Shanghai Fufa (2015) No. 31)
3. Implementation Rules of the Measures for the Management of Residence Permit Points in Shanghai (Shanghai People's Society Lifa (2015) No. 31)
Bidding conditions
Individual employee
1. "Shanghai Residence Permit" points within the validity period
2. The labor contract signed with the Shanghai company shall be more than 2 months from the date of application to the termination date of the contract
3. To dispatch employees, sign a contract with a dispatching intermediary company, and dispatch them to the Shanghai company or wholly foreign-owned representative office, the contract term must be at least one year, and more than 2 months from the termination date of the contract
Employee company
1. Registered in Shanghai
2. The reporting unit is a wholly foreign-owned representative office in Shanghai, which needs to be dispatched through an intermediary
Unit change
1. Residence permit
2. Identification card
3. Last job check-out slip
4. New labor contract
5. Company business license, organization code certificate
Service procedure
1. Employers must first register online (
2. The personnel of the employer shall present his ID card, letter of introduction, business license, organization code certificate (check the original) and code card to the talent service center of the district where the employer is registered for unit audit
3. After the completion of the audit, the employer or employee logs in to the Internet for online registration and information filling, and the employer reviews the personal information
4. The personnel of the employer shall submit the relevant declaration materials to the talent service center of the district where the employer is registered with the ID card and the letter of introduction
5. After the approval, the personnel of the employer will receive the "Point Notice".
Deadline for handling
Related website:
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Staff "Shanghai Residence Permit personnel apply for Permanent residence in the city" handling guide

Handling agency
The talent service center of the district where the unit is registered
Service basis
1.Trial Measures for persons holding "Shanghai Residence Permit" to Apply for Permanent Residence in Shanghai [Hufu Fa [2009] No. 7]
2.Measures for the Implementation of a More Open Domestic Talent Introduction Policy for the Construction of Science and Technology Innovation Centers with Global Influence (Huren Social Development (2015) No. 41)

Bidding conditions
Individual employee
1. Hold the "Shanghai Residence Permit" for at least seven years
2. During the period of holding the certificate, participate in the urban social insurance of the city according to the regulations, and the normal payment has accumulated for at least seven years
3. Pay income tax in the city according to law during the period of holding the certificate
4. Be employed in the city as intermediate or above professional and technical positions or have a technician (national secondary or above professional qualification certificate) or above professional qualifications, and the professional and type of post corresponding
5. No violation of the state and the city's family planning policy, public security management penalties above illegal criminal records and other bad behavior records
Excitation condition
1. Those who have obtained provincial and ministerial level or above government awards in this city during the period of holding the certificate have personal certificates (not subject to the restrictions of the declaration of qualifications 1,2)
2. Those who have obtained the qualification of senior professional and technical positions or the certificate of senior technician in this Municipality and are appointed to work in the corresponding positions (not subject to the restrictions of Article 1 and 2 of the declaration of qualifications)
3. Those that can be clearly employed as senior professional and technical positions in the national vocational qualifications (not subject to the restrictions of Article 1 and 2 of the declaration of qualifications)
4. Those who have worked continuously in education, health and other positions in the outer suburbs of this city for at least five years (Article 1 and 2 of the application qualification can be shortened to five years)
5. Those who have paid the urban insurance base in the City for more than 2 times of the city's social salary in the previous year for the recent 3 consecutive years (not subject to the restrictions of Article 4 of the declaration qualification)
6. Personnel in technical management and key positions whose taxable salary is higher than the average annual salary level of intermediate technical or management positions in the same industry in the last three consecutive years (not subject to the restrictions of Article 4 of qualification declaration)
7. If an entrepreneur invests and establishes an enterprise in this Municipality, he/she shall, according to the calculation of personal direct investment or personal investment share, pay an average tax of RMB 1 million or more per year for the most recent three consecutive tax years or employ an average of 100 or more municipal employees per year for three consecutive years (not subject to the restriction of Article 4 of the declaration of qualifications)
 8. In the last 4 years, for a total of 36 months in this city, the social insurance premium base of employees is equal to three times the average social wage of employees in this city in the previous year, and the social insurance premium base of employees is reasonable corresponding to the taxable income of individual income tax,When applying for permanent residence in this city,The accumulated years of holding the "Shanghai Residence Permit" and participating in the municipal employee social insurance can be shortened from 7 years to 5 years

Employee company
1. The applicant must be the employer that has handled the "Shanghai Residence Permit"
2. The enterprise unincorporated employer must also be able to present the original business tax receipt paid in Shanghai in the previous year and the proof of social insurance paid by other employees in the previous year

Employee's family
1. Residents who have made significant contributions to the city and obtained provincial and ministerial level and above government awards, and obtained the municipal senior professional and technical post qualification or senior technician (national first-level vocational qualification) certificate,The spouse has a stable job in the city, has paid the social insurance for urban workers in the city, and has applied for the "Shanghai Residence Permit" (including the accompanying certificate),You can apply for permanent residence in this city at the same time。
2. Minor children under the age of 16 and children over the age of 16 who are studying in ordinary high schools may move with them;If minor children move with them, the medical certificate of birth, the Honor Certificate of the Parents of the only Child or the family planning certificate issued by the place of domicile shall be provided。Regular high school students over the age of 16 who move with them are required to provide a certificate of school status。
Application materials
Individual employee
1. Application Form for Permanent Residence Permit Holder
2. Resident identity card
3. Household registration book or household registration certificate
4. Marriage certificate or unmarried certificate or married childlessness certificate (issued by current residence and local Family planning office)
5. Urban social insurance certificate of this city
6. Personal income tax payment certificate from January 2006 onwards
7. Employer's labor contract
8. Relevant certificates:
① Intermediate and above professional and technical position qualification certificate and appointment certificate obtained by the city
② To obtain intermediate and above professional and technical post qualifications by means of recruitment assessment, provide the unit's letter of appointment
(3) National secondary and above vocational qualification certificates issued by this municipality
④ National secondary and above vocational qualification certificates issued by other provinces and cities and re-evaluated by the city
⑤ Recognized professional qualification certificate issued by relevant departments
9. Certificate of family planning policy (issued by the street Family Planning Commission of the current residence and domicile)
10. About the place of settlement:
① I (or spouse) live in Shanghai housing property certificate
② Agree to accept the real estate title certificate of the residential housing of the settled unit (including the valid residence certificate of talent apartment or employee dormitory) or the rental of residential public housing certificate, and agree to the settlement certificate
(3) If you settle down in the city's immediate family, you shall provide proof of the identity relationship between yourself and your immediate family, the real estate title certificate of your immediate family's residence in Shanghai or the certificate of renting residential public housing, the household registration book of your immediate family and the written proof of your consent to settle down
12. Other evidence (provided by those who meet the incentive criteria) :
① Personal award certificate
The qualification certificate and letter of appointment of senior professional and technical positions obtained by the city
③ The city's senior technician (national first-class vocational qualification) certificate
(4) The tax payment certificate issued by the tax authority at or above the city or county level for the employer to which the certified person belongs
⑤ Evidence that the number of employees employed in the city has reached the prescribed standards for three consecutive years
⑥ The investor's tax payment certificate
Employee company
1. Business license and organization code certificate with legal personality within the validity period of the unit (if the enterprise is not a legal person, it is also necessary to issue the business license with legal personality within the validity period of the head office, organization code certificate and the authorization letter issued by the head office)
2. Company reference letter
3. The dispatch shall also provide the post agreement and the business contract of the two parties
Handling procedure
1. Employers must first register online
2. The personnel of the employer shall present his ID card, letter of introduction, business license, organization code certificate (check the original) and code card to the talent service center of the district where the employer is registered for unit audit
3. After the completion of the unit audit, the employer logs on to the Internet for individuals to register online;And the unit will fill in the online application form for the individual (the personal account and password will be obtained at the time of registration for the future personal online inquiry)
4. After completing the personal online application form, the unit will submit the relevant declaration materials to the talent service center of the district where the employer is registered
5. In the case of employment through personnel dispatch or labor dispatch, the dispatch unit that established labor relations shall be responsible for handling it, and the actual employing unit shall provide corresponding certificates
6. The enterprise unincorporated unit (branch) shall also submit:
① Copy of business license of superior legal person;
② Independent recruitment authorization letter of superior legal person;
(3) The original business tax receipt paid by the employer in Shanghai in the previous year;
④ Proof of social insurance payment by other employees of the employer in the previous year
Deadline for handling
1. Household registration: After the material is officially accepted, the first review will take 15 working days, the review will take 30 working days, and the publicity will take 15 working days, a total of 60 working days
2. During the period of the certificate to participate in the city's small town social insurance, after the approval of the account, need to be converted and make up the urban workers social insurance balance and obtained the identification, before receiving the notice of settlement
3. Account declaration implementation of the waiting system, the application of the city's permanent permanent account of the cardholder online processing, in accordance with the approval of the order, automatically generate online serial number for queuing。If the total amount of regulation exceeds that year, it will continue to be accepted and reviewed, and if it passes the review, it will be handled in the next year in turn

Related website:
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "study abroad returned personnel account placement" handling guide

Handling agency
Bureau of foreign experts Affairs
Service basis
1.    "Rules for Applying for Permanent Residence in Shanghai for Returned Students" (Issued by Shanghai People's Society (2015) No. 49)
2.    Notice on further clarifying matters related to applying for permanent residence in Shanghai for returnees of overseas study

Bidding conditions
Individual employee
1.    Returnees who come to work in Shanghai should meet one of the following conditions:
(1) Obtain a doctoral degree outside China。
(2) Bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree or master's degree obtained in domestic universities (master's degree graduates directly under the Central Government and graduate training units of the Chinese Academy of Sciences shall refer to university graduates),And obtained a master's degree in a foreign university;Or obtain a bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree or master's degree from a non-domestic university,And in the world's top 500 universities abroad to obtain a master's degree;Or obtain bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree and master's degree in foreign universities (excluding college starting undergraduate and HND and other forms)。(3) Bachelor's degree or bachelor's degree obtained from the top 500 universities in the world (overseas) (cumulative study time abroad must be more than 1 year);Graduates of Sino-foreign cooperative education or joint training should obtain both domestic and foreign bachelor's degree and bachelor's degree.Excluding college starting undergraduate and HND forms)。
(4) Obtain a master's degree or above in China, or obtain the qualification of associate senior or above professional and technical positions, and go abroad to study or do a visiting scholar for more than 1 year。
At the same time, the personnel who meet the above four conditions in the recent 6 consecutive months in the same unit of social insurance payment base should not be lower than the average social wages of the city's employees in the previous year, and the personal income tax payment should be reasonable corresponding to the social insurance payment base。
(5) Others do not meet the conditions of (2) and (3),Bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree or above in a foreign university (bachelor's degree or bachelor's degree) must have studied abroad for more than 1 year;Graduates of Sino-foreign cooperative education or joint training should obtain both domestic and foreign bachelor's degree and bachelor's degree.Excluding college starting undergraduate and HND forms),At the same time, in the recent 12 consecutive months, the social insurance contribution base of the same unit reached the average social wage of the city's employees in the previous year.5 times, individual income tax payment and social insurance payment base reasonable corresponding personnel。
2. After returning to China, students should come to Shanghai directly to work, and the cumulative unemployed time should not exceed 2 years
3. The labor (employment) contract signed with the applicant is valid for more than 1 year (inclusive), and it is valid for more than 6 months (inclusive) from the date of application (if the contract has a probation period, it can be declared after completing the probation period).
4. The age of returning students must be more than 5 years from the statutory retirement age。
5. The dispatched personnel do not belong to the scope of applying for permanent residence in Shanghai for returnees who have studied abroad

Employee company
1. Party and government organs, public institutions, social organizations, private non-enterprise units and partnership firms registered in the administrative area of this Municipality with autonomy in employing people, as well as those in line with the industrial development direction of this Municipality, with registered capital of RMB 1 million yuan or more, and with good reputation,All kinds of enterprises that pay taxes in accordance with the law and participate in social insurance in this city (the registered capital of the superior legal person of the branch of a non-enterprise legal person shall not be less than 1 million yuan)

Employee's family
1. For those who have returned to China after studying abroad and meet the requirements for settling down, their spouses (who must be married before returning to China and whose age is more than 5 years old from the statutory retirement age) and their children under 16 years old or over 16 years old studying in ordinary high schools are included in the scope of relocation。
2. The spouses who get married after returning to China shall be handled in accordance with the refuge policy of this Municipality。
3. If the applicant's spouse needs to accompany him/her, it shall be submitted together with the applicant's application;If the spouse has not returned to China for the time being, he or she may apply for a new household registration after returning to China。
4. If the applicant's children need to move with them, if the children are born in China, they must be submitted together with the father (mother) after the birth registration at the original place of residence;If the applicant proposes to apply for follow-up relocation after settling down in Shanghai, it shall be handled in accordance with the policy of this Municipality。If the child was born abroad, it should be submitted together with the applicant's application;Those who have not returned to China for the time being may apply for remedial procedures for settling down after returning to China。

Application materials
Individual employee
1. Foreign Academic Degree Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education
2. Graduation certificates and transcripts abroad;The certificate of studying abroad (accompanied by a translation copy from a qualified translation agency), the Certificate of Returnees who have studied Abroad, and the degree certificate of domestic master's degree or above, or the title certificate of associate senior or above
3. The highest degree certificate obtained in China before studying abroad;Those who are working before going abroad,Provide proof that the original working unit agrees to transfer or has resigned;Have work experience outside the country (territory),Provide the work certificate signed by the employer's labor contract, tax bill or the person in charge of the organization (the translation copy of a qualified translation agency must be attached)
4. Passports, visas and all entry and exit records, resident registration books and identity cards
5. Address certificate of Shanghai settlement
(1) If the residence address is the property house purchased by an individual, the property ownership certificate shall be provided;
(2) If the settlement address is the home address of the spouse or immediate family member, provide the real estate ownership certificate of the spouse or immediate family member, the resident registration book and the written proof of the agreement to settle jointly signed by the property owner;
(3) If the household registration address is a collective household registration, provide a copy of the corresponding collective household registration book or household registration certificate and the written proof of the unit's agreement to settle
6. Marital status certificate
(1) If you are married, provide a marriage certificate;
(2) In case of divorce, provide divorce certificate, divorce agreement or court mediation statement and judgment。
(3) If you hold a certificate of marriage (divorce) abroad, you must also provide a translation copy from a qualified translation agency
7. Child birth certificate and legal birth certificate
8. Proof of regular payment of social insurance and individual income tax in this municipality
9. Other necessary supporting materials

Employee company
1. Company reference letter
2. Handling personnel valid ID card
3. The employer shall submit an official letter of request to Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau
4. Legal person business license (or legal person registration certificate) and organization code certificate or unified social credit code (in accordance with the license to operate,In addition, the license certificate approved by the relevant competent authority must be provided;Foreign-invested enterprises and Taiwan-Hong Kong and Australian-invested enterprises shall also provide approval certificates);The applicant is a branch of an unincorporated person,Provide branch business license and organization code certificate,At the same time, provide the above relevant documents of the superior legal person (with the official seal of the superior legal person) and the letter of authorization of the superior legal person
5. Application Form for Permanent Residence in Shanghai
6. The labor (employment) contract signed between the applicant and the returnee

Employee's family
1. Application Form for Spouses of Returned Overseas Students to Apply for Permanent Residence in Shanghai
2. Spouse and children's household registration book, ID card, Shanghai residence address certificate, spouse's highest domestic academic degree certificate, child's birth certificate
(1) If the spouse is a returnee who has studied abroad, the Certificate of Foreign academic degree, passport, visa and all exit and entry records shall be provided;
(2) If the child was born abroad, provide the foreign birth certificate and the translation copy of a qualified translation agency, Chinese passport (or travel certificate) and visa, exit and entry records;Children over the age of 16 studying in ordinary high schools who need to move with them shall provide school status certificates
3. If the spouse has a work unit in this city, the labor (employment) contract, the business license of the unit and the code certificate of the organization shall be provided (the official seal of the unit shall be affixed);If there is a work unit in a foreign province or city, the original unit agrees to transfer or has resigned the certificate
4. For those who give up moving with them, they shall provide the household register and identity card of the residents and a written commitment to give up moving with them
5. Other necessary supporting materials

Service procedure
Eligible companies, please open online service rights (get user name, password)
FESCO Adecco or the personnel of the unit shall submit the paper materials to the counter on the 4th floor, 77 Meiyuan Road, Shanghai

Related website:
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Staff "to solve the difficulties of husband and wife separation Shanghai" handling guide

Handling agency
The district (county) talent service center or the city talent service center where the unit is registered shall apply
Service basis
Notice of Shanghai Personnel Bureau on Further Solving the Problem of Separation of Husband and Wife of Professional and Technical Personnel and Management Personnel (Huren [1999] No. 122)
Bidding conditions
Individual employee
1. One of the two parties must be registered in Shanghai, and the other party must be registered in other places
2. Persons who have been married for at least five years for bachelor's degree, three years for master's degree, and one year for doctor's degree (education refers to the Shanghai side)。If you become a Shanghai hukou through the household registration application channel in Shanghai, you must also meet the conditions of residence registration for 3 years before filing a declaration)
3. Before working in Shanghai in a foreign country, you must have worked in a foreign country and have the corresponding pension insurance
4. If one of the spouses is employed as a middle-level professional and technical position (must have qualifications) or has engaged in cadre work and can provide cadre resume, the declaration requirements may be appropriately relaxed
5. Both parties must verify the highest education and degree certificate at the same time
6. The transfer unit in the foreign party must be the unit with the right to keep and transfer personnel files (if the non-talent center needs the transfer letter from the provider)
Employee company
1. The foreign labor contract is not declared during the probation period, and the labor contract must be signed for more than 3 years, and the labor contract must have more than 2 years of validity when the declaration is submitted
2. Both husband and wife must sign a labor contract with the Shanghai company, and if it is a wholly foreign-owned representative office in Shanghai, it must be declared through the dispatch intermediary
Application materials
Individual employee
1. Registration form for taking care of needy personnel transferred to Shanghai
2. Individual application form in Shanghai
3. Marriage certificate
4. Identity card of husband and wife
5. The husband and wife's household registration book or household registration certificate
6. Household registration certificate for the first official settlement in Shanghai (for Shanghai registered personnel whose ID card does not start with 310)
7. The highest degree certificate of both parties
8. Both sides highest academic degree appraisal report
9. Labor contract for at least three years in foreign country
10. A medical examination report with a validity of 3 months issued by a secondary or above hospital in the foreign city
11. Social security payment certificate in Shanghai
12. Pay all the corresponding pension insurance payment records in the foreign country
13. Professional title certificate or cadre identity certificate of both parties (if available)
14. Proof of marriage and childlessness (issued by local Family Planning Office)
15. Where the account is attached to the collective account, a letter of acceptance of the account file attached issued by the talent center shall be provided
16. If the account is attached to their own account, provide the property certificate (if the property certificate is a spouse, the spouse needs to issue the relevant consent to the account relocation certificate)
17. If the account is attached to the family and friends account, the letter of commitment of the household owner to agree to settle down and the personal page of the home page or the property certificate of the household owner and the certificate of acceptance of the household issued by the police station where the household owner is located shall be provided
Employee company
1. Application form for a unit in Shanghai
2. Business license and organization code certificate with legal personality within the validity period of both parties (if the enterprise is not a legal person, it is also necessary to issue the business license with legal personality within the validity period of the head office, organization code certificate and the authorization letter issued by the head office)
3. Letter of introduction from both parties
Family members of employees accompanied by children
1. Birth certificate
2. Only child certificate or birth permit
3. Household registration certificate (Shanghai household registration is also required)
Service procedure
When the husband and wife are separated, they shall apply to their unit in Shanghai, and the personnel of their unit in Shanghai shall go to the talent service center of the city or district where the unit is registered for declaration
Deadline for handling
After the formal acceptance of the materials, 60-80 working days to approve the results

Related websites:

If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Social security fund

Shanghai social security provident fund base and proportion


Industrial injury insurance applies the method of industry differential rates plus floating charges。

Social salary in 2023:12,183 yuan/month

Social Security base: 7310-36549 (July 2023 - June 20234)

CPF base: 2590-36549 (July 2023 - June 2024)

Shanghai Social Security provident fund account information query guide

First, urban and rural residents social security payment certificate print: 

Registered real name login Shanghai One Netcom Office (, in the featured column to select the online certificateSelect popular services: Print social security payment certificate for urban and rural residentsSet the query conditions and click the query buttonClick to pay Application for proof of fee (This method is only applicable to those who participate in the insurance registration as flexible employment and urban and rural residents and pay through the payment channel of the tax department Persons, excluding employees of enterprises and institutions)



Second, urban workers basic endowment insurance payment certificate issued:






Three, social security supplementary payment information inquiry steps diagram:

① Log in Shanghai People's AssociationAPP;② Click the social security button below, and then click the past payment query;③ Click the view button, and then click personal paymentDetails Query supplementary payment information


Iv. Provident Fund account details inquiry:

Shanghai housing provident fund network  

Construction bank housing provident fund business network   

Shanghai Provident Fund official wechat 

Shanghai Provident fund mobile client 

12329 housing provident fund SMS 

12329 Housing provident fund hotline self-help voice 

Shanghai Rural Commercial BankATM machine 

China Construction BankATM machine 

Self-service equipment inquiry 

Shanghai provident fund management center business network  

Community service centers

Staff "Shanghai Social Security Provident Fund Base and proportion" handling guide

Provident fund base: 2023 monthly deposit upper and lower limits: 362 yuan -5116 yuan (backward base: minimum 2590 yuan,Capped at 36,549 yuan),The proportion of the basic provident fund is 7% for each unit and individual;2023 Supplementary provident fund monthly contribution limit: 36,549 yuan (backward base: capped at 36,549 yuan),The proportion of supplementary provident fund is 1%-5%。Social Security Base: 7310-36549 (July 2023 - June 2024)

All personnel
Unified payment of five insurance and one gold fund
养老 医疗 失业 生育 *工伤 Basic reserve fund
单位 个人 单位 个人 单位 个人 单位 单位 单位 个人
20% 8% 10% 2% 1% 0.5% 1% 0.2%-1.9% 7% 7%

* Industrial injury insurance specific implementation of industry differential rates plus floating fees, 0.5% is the base payment ratio of the large library, and the single account will check the payment ratio according to the actual situation。

Employee "Social Security Payment Certificate issued" handling guide

Employee "Pension account transfer to other places" handling guide

1) One month after the social security payment is stopped, go to the self-service inquiry machine of the district and county social security branch center or the street and town (township) community affairs reception service center to print the "Basic Endowment Insurance Participation Payment Certificate" with my ID card (insured personnel who have applied for the password can log in 12333 official website to print by themselves)
2) Submit the "Basic Endowment Insurance Payment Certificate" to the social security center of the foreign insured place
3) After receiving the transfer materials, the social security center of the transfer shall operate the account consolidation procedures。The general processing time is 4-6 months。

Employee Provident Fund payment handling guide

Handling conditions
1. Employees have CPF benefits and have CPF accounts
2. The employee's provident fund account has been transferred to FESCO Adecco or transferred to Shanghai Mothballed Management Center
3. Employees have not opened CPF accounts
4. The identity card number provided to FESCO Adecco for employee entry must be accurate
Handling materials
1. Employees have provident fund benefits, and have provident fund accounts, need to provide the correct provident fund account
2. Employees who have not opened a CPF account are required to provide their ID card number
Handling process
1. Employees need to check the current unit of the account first
2. The employee informs the previous employer to transfer the provident fund account to FESCO Adecco or to Shanghai Mothballed Management Center
3. FESCO Adecco unseals and contributes to the housing fund for its employees
Deadline for handling
After two months of employment, you can check your provident fund payment status
1. How to confirm their provident fund account number, account where?
① Can ask the previous company personnel
② You can bring your original ID card to any CCB or Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center that has provident fund business in the city
③ You can log in Shanghai Provident Fund network
2. Search where, how
① It is recommended to inquire the bank - CCB Huangpu branch: No. 725 Fuzhou Road, 3rd floor, CCB Xinzha Road branch: No. 1660 Xinzha Road
② Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center: 4th Floor, No.725 Fuzhou Road
③ Log on to Shanghai Provident Fund website

Special reminder
For the normal payment of the provident fund account, please transfer your provident fund account in time。FESCO Adecco will not be held responsible for failure to pay the CPF due to the employee's own reasons, but will fully cooperate and assist in handling other subsequent CPF related matters。
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Staff "housing provident fund loan review" handling guide

Reason for handling
Employees in the first 6 months of the loan month did not normally pay the provident fund payment, in the middle of the payment, need to handle the provident fund loan qualification audit
Handling materials
1. Individual house purchase
① The original purchase contract
② Unit description (Abnormal continuous payment description)
③ Change the list and make up the list
④ Branch name of the lending bank (branch number)
⑤ Borrower's provident fund account, ID card, social security card (original, copy), household register
2. Spousal purchase
① The original purchase contract
② Unit description (Abnormal continuous payment description)
③ Change the list and make up the list
④ Branch name of the lending bank (branch number)
⑤ The borrower's husband and wife and the participant's provident fund account ID card, social security card, household register, marriage certificate (original and photocopy)
Note: If the payment month is more than 4 months, it is recommended to bring the social security payment details (can on)

Handling process
1. Make a request to customer service for a statement of circumstances
2. Bring all the above materials to the handling agency for processing
Handling place
1. Guaranty company in the district where the house is located。
2. Proposed location: Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center (4F, No.725 Fuzhou Road)
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "Pension insurance personal account termination" handling guide

Handling agency
District (county) social security agencies
Service basis
1. Interim Measures for the Management of Individual Accounts of Basic Old-age Insurance for Employees (Lao Changfa [1997]116)
2. Measures of Shanghai Municipality on Old-age Insurance for Urban Workers (Decree No. 59 of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government)
Bidding conditions
The insured person terminates the social insurance relationship due to death or settling down abroad
Application materials
1. Copy of death certificate
2. Application form
3. Declaration Form for Termination of Pension Insurance Relationship (Form 2)
4. Termination of the application for residence abroad:
① Apply in writing
② The translated visa or the certificate of departure and settlement issued by the public security department
③ Declaration Form for Termination of Pension Insurance Relationship (Form 2)

Handling process
Submit the materials to FESCO Adecco, and FESCO Adecco will report the termination of the pension insurance relationship to the District Social Security Center, and the Social Security Center will issue the approval Form after handling it.
The following month, the Social Security Center will transfer the individual contribution amount to the submitted account

Deadline for handling
Complete the material on the spot to settle, the next month
Payment is still required in the month of death
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "pension application" handling guide

Handling agency
District (county) social security agencies
Service basis
1. Interim Measures of The State Council concerning the retirement and resignation of workers
2. Measures of Shanghai Municipality on Old-age Insurance for Urban Workers (Decree No. 59 of Shanghai Municipal People's Government)
3. Notice on Adjusting the Basic Pension Calculation and Payment Method of Urban Enterprises [Hufufa (2007) No. 27]
4. Notice on Handling Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of the "Notice of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Adjusting the Basic Pension Scheme of Urban Enterprises in this City" [Hu Labor Insurance Yang Fa (2007) No. 40]
5. Interim Measures for the transfer and continuation of the basic pension insurance relationship for employees of urban enterprises
Application conditions
1. Shanghai domicile:
① Men shall be at least 60 years old, women at least 50 years old, and women engaged in management and technical positions shall be at least 55 years old
② The payment period has accumulated 15 years (including the deemed payment period)
2. Foreign domicile:
① The individual pension insurance account established in the city is a non-temporary account, that is, the male is under 50 years old and the female is under 40 years old when the insurance is first enrolled in Shanghai
② Have been insured in the city for 10 years
③ Men shall be at least 60 years old, women at least 50 years old, and women engaged in management and technical positions shall be at least 55 years old
④ the payment period has accumulated 15 years (including the deemed payment period)
Application materials
1. Copy of ID card
2. Application Review Form for Receiving One-time Family Planning Incentive Fee for the Elderly
3. "Pension Application Form", "Pension Method Confirmation Form"
Handling process
After receiving all the materials, FESCO Adecco will submit the application materials to the Social Security Center for review (20 days before) in the month when the employee reaches the statutory retirement age, handle the pension collection procedures, start to pay the pension the following month, and on the 10th of the next month, go to the Social Security center to receive the pension passbook and hand it over to the employee

Deadline for handling
Complete the materials completed in the same month 
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Guidelines for employees Applying for Maternity Benefits

Handling agency
Each street, town (township) community affairs reception service center or district (county) social security branch center
Service basis
1. Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China
2. Measures of Shanghai Municipality for maternity insurance in urban areas
3. Notice on Implementing the "Social Insurance Law" to Adjust the Current Maternity Insurance Policy [Hufufa (2011) No. 35]
4. Notice on Implementing the "Special Provisions on Labor Protection of Female Workers" and Adjusting the Relevant Provisions on Maternity Insurance Treatment of Female Workers in this Municipality [Hufa (2013) No. 5]
5. Implementation Rules of the Measures of Shanghai Municipality on Maternity Insurance in Urban Areas [Shanghai Labor Insurance Fufa (2001) No. 58]
6. Notice on the Handling of Several Issues in the Implementation of the "Shanghai Urban Maternity Insurance Measures" [Shanghai Labor Insurance Fufa (2002) 18]
7. Notice on Simplifying the Procedure of Applying for Maternity Insurance Treatment [Shanghai Labor Insurance Fufa (2003) No. 22]
8. Notice on Adjusting the Minimum Standard of Monthly Maternity Living Allowance for Childbearing Women [Fufa (2009) No. 20]
9. The flexible employment personnel in this Municipality participate in the basic old-age care of urban workers in this Municipality. Notice on Several Issues of Medical Insurance [Shanghai People's Society (2013) No. 22]
Bidding conditions
A woman who gives birth under one of the following circumstances, and who gives birth or has an abortion (including natural abortion and induced abortion) in a medical institution with obstetrics and gynecology department set up in accordance with the regulations, may apply for maternity living allowance and maternity medical expenses subsidy according to the regulations:
1. The working women who have urban household registration in this municipality and the units to which they belong have participated in urban social insurance in this municipality and have established individual accounts in accordance with regulations
2. Unemployed women who have urban household registration in this municipality participate in urban social insurance in this municipality and have established personal accounts in accordance with regulations when they are employed
3. Persons with informal employment and labor organizations who have urban household registration in this municipality participate in urban social insurance in this municipality and have established personal accounts in accordance with regulations
4. Working women who do not have urban household registration in this municipality have established labor relations with employing units participating in urban social insurance in this municipality and have established personal accounts in accordance with regulations
5. Before the implementation of the Notice on Several Issues Concerning the participation of Flexible Employment Personnel in the Basic pension and medical Insurance of Urban workers in the City [Shanghai People's Social Security (2013) No. 22], it has participated in the insurance according to the provisions of the Notice on the Issuance of Trial Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the pension and medical insurance of freelance workers in the City [Shanghai Labor Insurance Industry No.1 (1998) No. 39],And notice after the implementation of the payment did not interrupt the personnel
Note: The employer of the working woman shall have declared the average monthly salary of the employee in the previous year
Application materials
1. Original valid ID card and copies of front and back (the same below)
2. The original and photocopy of "Only Child Certificate" or "Only Child Parent Honor Certificate"
3. Have not yet applied for the "only child parents Honor Card",Need to bring the marriage certificate and the couple's household register (collective account,The original and photocopy of the household registration certificate issued by the local public security department (home page and the page with your name) can be brought with you.,Women with household registration in other provinces and cities shall also carry the Registration Certificate of Shanghai Floating Population's Birth Service for one Child or the certificate of permission to give birth issued by the family planning administrative department of the township (town) people's government and sub-district offices
4. Fertility Medical Certificate issued by medical institution
5. Photocopy of real-name settlement account card opened by me in the designated financial institutions of this Municipality (you can choose one of ICBC, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank, Postal Savings Bank, Bank of Shanghai, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, Minsheng Bank)
6. According to the different circumstances of the individual, the following materials should be carried separately:
If you give birth in other provinces or cities, you need to bring the discharge summary issued by medical institutions at or above the county level indicating the maternity situation (dystocia, vaginal birth or abortion) and the original and copy of the baby's birth Medical Certificate
② If the man is a soldier, he must bring the original and photocopy of his valid "Soldier's Card" or "Military Officer's Card"
(3) meet the conditions for reproduction,Women who have registered births in this Municipality shall bring the original and photocopy of the Notice of Re-Birth of Children and the Certificate of Re-Birth of Children approved by the municipal or district administrative department of population and family planning;Women with registered births in other provinces and cities shall bring a certificate of permission to have another child issued by the family planning administrative department of the township (town) people's government and sub-district office
7. If it is entrusted to others, it is necessary to bring the power of attorney and the original and photocopy of the valid ID card of the principal

Service procedure
After the birth, the employee submits the materials to the Social Security center, after the Social Security Center reviews, verifies the eligibility period and standards for those who meet the conditions, prints the Acceptance Receipt in duplicate, completes the settlement and sends the approval form within 20 days after acceptance

Deadline for handling
Social security center accepted within 20 days
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "Individual Provident Fund account consolidation" handling guide

Reason for handling
Employees who have two or more provident fund accounts need to merge their provident fund accounts
Handling agency
Unit provident fund account paying bank
Handling conditions
1. Both accounts need to be in the same unit
2. The information of the two accounts must be consistent
3. If a supplementary account is attached to one of the accounts, only the basic account with the supplementary account can be retained

Handling materials
1. Employees provide:
① Original ID card, copy
② Original and copy of social security card (no need to provide comprehensive insurance)
2. The unit provides:
① Remittance notice
② The list of supplementary payment with official seal is made in triplicate
③ Letter of introduction
④ Copy of the original ID card of the applicant
⑤ Affix the official seal "Provident fund withdrawal Certificate"
⑥ An application for withdrawal of Provident Fund
⑦ A copy of the application form for correction of wrong payment by the unit with the official seal
Handling process
1. Employees need to confirm the current location of the two accounts
2. Employees inform FESCO Adecco customer Service of their CPF account consolidation needs
3. Employees provide two CPF account information
4. The employee shall provide the original and copy of the ID card
5. The employee shall provide the original and photocopy of the social security card
6. FESCO Adecco goes to the unit paying bank for processing
Deadline for handling
1. FESCO Adecco Processing: 3 working days
2. Employee enquiry: 7 working days
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Employee "Personal Provident Fund information Modification" handling guide

Handling agency
Any construction bank with provident fund business
Handling conditions
The employee has been under the FESCO Adecco Provident Fund account
Handling materials
1. Employees provide:
Copy of ID card
2. The unit provides:
① Stamped "Personal Information Modification Form" in duplicate
② Company introduction letter
③ A copy of the ID card of the applicant
Handling process
1. The employee will inform the customer service of the need to modify the personal provident fund information and provide a copy of the ID card
2. Unable to handle, customer service to inform the staff of the reason
Deadline for handling
1. FESCO Adecco Processing: 2 working days
2. Employee enquiry: 7 working days
If in doubt, please contact customer service at 400 630 6666

Frequently Asked Questions

Housing accumulation fund

Basic chapter

1. What is the role of my ID card in CPF business?

A: The employee's provident fund account is opened through the ID card, so the employee's provident fund account is unique。If the ID number information of the provident fund account is inconsistent with the actual ID number, it will not be able to handle provident fund withdrawal, loans, online user registration, telephone inquiries and other related provident fund business。

2. I do not know my personal housing fund account, how should I inquire?

答:Individual provident fund account can be queried in the following ways:

1. Business network of Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center;

2, construction bank housing provident fund business outlets;

3. Employees' housing provident fund deposit units;

4, self-service inquiry terminal;

5. Shanghai Housing Fund website:;

6. 12329 Housing Provident Fund hotline self-service voice;

7, 12329 housing provident fund SMS;

8, "Shanghai Provident Fund" mobile client;

9, the unit online business management system;

10, the construction bank ATM machine;

11. CCB ATM inquiry network;

12, rural business ATM inquiry;

13. SPD ATM inquiry;

14, uplink multimedia machine query;

15, Bank of Communications multimedia machine inquiry;

16, ICBC self-service machinery inquiry;

17, Agricultural Bank ATM inquiry;

18. Bank of China ATM inquiry;

19, Shanghai Provident Fund wechat。


3.  I am a new employee, what should I do with my housing fund?

答: 分为3 scenarios:

 If you have never opened a CPF account, the company will open a new one for you。

 If you have a provident fund account in your original unit, please provide your company's provident fund account to your original unitHR, they should be responsible for the transfer of your CPF account。

 Employee provident fund account in the city provident fund closed management office, please inform your provident fund account, we will directly out of the operation。


4 . What is my Supplementary Provident Fund account?

答: The supplementary account is the ninth digit of the basic provident Fund account plus 1, but does not carry。

For example, your basic Provident Fund account is:019226196205

Then your Supplementary Provident Fund account is:209019226197

205 is the suffix of the basic Provident Fund account, which exists for each basic Provident Fund account, and 209 is the prefix of the supplementary Provident Fund account, which exists for each supplementary Provident Fund account。


5.  I have left my job, what will happen to my provident fund?

答: There are two cases:

 If you have a new unit, you can notify the last unit of the new unit name and unit provident fund account, and transfer the housing provident fund relationship to the new unit

 If there is no new unit, the housing provident fund relationship will be sealed to the Shanghai Provident Fund Storage Management Office


6. I have paid provident fund in other places, can I transfer it to Shanghai?

答:Employees who have stably deposited the housing provident fund in the City for more than six months and meet the transfer conditions stipulated by the provident fund center of other provinces and cities can apply to the provident fund center of the city to transfer the housing provident fund deposited in other provinces and cities to the City。

Application materials:

oneHandled by the employee himself:

(1) The completed Application Form for the Transfer of Shanghai Housing Provident Fund to other Places (in duplicate);

(2) The original identity document of the employee。

2.The employee entrusts the agency manager of the unit to act as agent:

(1) Completed and stamped with the official seal of the unit or the special seal of the housing provident fund, "Shanghai Centralized Application for the transfer of housing provident fund in different places";

(2) The completed Application Form for the Transfer and Continuation of the Shanghai Housing Provident Fund in different places (in duplicate for each employee);

(3) Original or photocopy of employee ID card;

(4) The original identity certificate of the unit manager。

Service mode:

Offline processing:

Shanghai provident fund management center business network。

Online application:

Shanghai housing provident fund network, "Shanghai Provident Fund" mobile client, "with the bid", "National housing provident fund" mini program。

7.  How can I check the payment details of my CPF account?

A: You can check the deposit and withdrawal of individual provident fund in the following ways:

 Counter inquiry: I can carry my ID card or social security card to the city or district or county provident fund business acceptance network for inquiry

 Housing provident fund online enquiry:

 Unit inquiry: I can inquire at the CPF contribution unit or the original contribution unit


8. I have terminated the employment relationship with my original employer, but the original employer has been closed (or disappeared), what should I do?

Answer: The labor relationship with the original unit has been terminated,And the original unit has not defaulted on its housing provident fund,However, the original unit has terminated (or its whereabouts are unknown) and cannot handle the transfer procedures for it,Employees can bring relevant certification materials) to the provident fund business acceptance network of the district and county of the original unit provident fund account opening CCB to apply for entrusted transfer of their housing provident fund account。


9. I have terminated the labor relationship with my former employer, but my former employer intentionally impound my housing provident fund account and refuse to transfer it to my new employer. What should I do?

答:An individual has terminated the labor relationship with the original unit, but the unit cannot handle or does not handle the account transfer procedures for him due to objective reasons, the individual can apply for the transfer of his housing provident fund account。

Application materials:

oneOriginal identity document;

2.In case of entrustment, the trustee shall be the spouse or direct relatives of the principal。The trustee shall provide the original documents of identity certificate, household registration book or marriage certificate, household registration certificate issued by public security organ and other materials that can prove the relationship between the principal and the trustee;

3.The individual provides one of the following certification materials to terminate the labor relationship with the original unit or establish the labor relationship with the new unit:

(1) The original and photocopy of the "Shanghai Unit Exit Certificate" and other exit certificates issued by the original unit;

(2) The original and photocopy of "Employment and Entrepreneurship Certificate" (or "Employment and Unemployment Registration Certificate", "Labor Manual");

(3) The original and photocopy of the Registration Register for Hiring of Employees by Shanghai Units or the Registration Form for Employment of Foreign Employees issued by the new unit;

(4) The original and copy of the Labor Contract or employment insurance certificate of the new unit;

(5) The original and photocopy of the award of the labor dispute arbitration committee or the judgment of the people's court that has taken effect。

4.The name of the new unit and the housing fund account number。

10.  How to divide the provident fund year?

答: Provident fund year means: current yearJuly 1 to June 30 of the following year。

About loans

1. What is the impact of foreign provinces' household registration in Shanghai's provident fund?

According to the relevant provisions of provident fund loans, the approval of provident fund loans for individuals requires the provident fund account to pay a certain number of years and pay in the normal deposit状态。After the provident fund is stopped, the provident fund account will not be able to obtain loan approval。

断缴1 month, can be regarded as continuous deposit of housing provident fund, but need to do loan qualification review。


2.I want to apply for housing provident fund personal purchase loan should meet the basic conditions?

答: The time of continuous deposit of housing provident fund before applying for loan is not less than six months。


3.I want to know the housing provident fund personal purchase loan amount is how to determine?

答:自Since April 15, 2015, the City has implemented the following personal housing provident fund loan policies。

 The rules for calculating the loan amount are usually determined based on the balance in the employee's account, and the ratio is: Basic 1:40, supplement 1:20。

 For the first time purchase of owner-occupied housing, and there are two or more borrowers involved in the loan, the maximum loan limit per household is120万元;

If there is a supplementary housing provident fund, the maximum loan limit per household is100万元。

The specific adjustment method is: to buy the first set of self-occupied housing, the maximum personal loan amount byThe maximum family loan limit is adjusted from 600,000 yuan to 1 million yuan;For those who pay the supplementary provident fund, the maximum loan amount for individuals will be increased by 100,000 yuan on the basis of 500,000 yuan, and the maximum loan amount for families will be increased by 200,000 yuan on the basis of 1 million yuan。The purchase of an improved second set of ordinary commercial housing shall be carried out in accordance with the policy of purchasing the first set of housing。To purchase an improved second set of non-ordinary commercial housing, the maximum loan amount of the provident fund shall be adjusted accordingly。

 Other clearly defined loan policies and conditions remain unchanged and will continue to be implemented。


4. I pay the housing provident fund in Shanghai, but I want to buy a house in other places, can I use the provident fund loan?

A: No。The provident fund paid in Shanghai cannot apply for housing provident fund loans。


5. If the balance of my provident fund account is insufficient to repay the principal and interest of the loan in the current month, should I make it up in the repayment debit card?

A: Yes。If the housing provident fund deducted by the bank in the month is less than the employee's monthly repayment amount, the bank shall deduct the payment from the employee's repayment card to make up for it。


6. My provident fund account has been sealed, will it affect the withdrawal and repayment of loans?

A: No。Withdrawal and repayment of loans are not affected by the borrower's provident fund account status。


7. Whether my provident fund can still be used to pay the monthly loan after the storage?

A: Yes。The CPF credit payment business has nothing to do with the status of the CPF account。


8. After I sign the purchase contract, can I apply for the purchase loan later?

A: The question depends on the final payment period in the purchase contract。If the house has been paid in full and the transaction has ended, it is not allowed to apply for a house purchase loan。


9.Can I use the amount in my CPF account to repay the loan in advance?

A: Yes。One is to apply for a one-time payment of the loan, in the annualIn April or September, use the provident fund to repay the loan;Second, after settling the loan with its own funds in advance, it can draw the provident fund from CCB with the settlement certificate (valid for 3 months)。


10. After divorce, how to solve the provident fund loan?

A: After the divorce, according to the division of the debt, go to the loan bank or guarantee to handle the relevant change procedures。


11. What procedures do I need to go through after the one-time early settlement of my provident fund loan?


 After the provident fund loan is settled in advance, the bank issues the loan settlement voucher, and carries the main lender's ID card, the original guarantee loan contract, the guarantee premium invoice and other materials to the Shanghai Housing real Estate guarantee Company for mortgage cancellation and surrender procedures。

 After the settlement of the portfolio loan, with the borrower's valid identity documents, you can go to the loan bank to print the settlement voucher, apply for mortgage cancellation and other procedures, and the provident fund loan part of the guarantee company for surrender。


12. Under what circumstances can I change the principal lender?How to operate?

Answer: If the borrower needs to be changed due to legal reasons such as divorce or death of the borrower, the borrower can be changed。It is up to the new borrower to apply to the lending bank。


13. May I ask the same house, unmarried two people can separate loan provident fund loans and commercial loans?Must the principal lender of a portfolio loan be the same person?

A: No。According to the regulations of the People's Bank of China, the borrower of the commercial loan and the provident fund loan in the portfolio loan must be the same person。


1. Under what circumstances can I withdraw the housing provident fund?



2. Is there any geographical restriction for handling different types of extraction audit?

Answer: There are geographical restrictions for handling different extraction audits:

 When handling withdrawal, it should be noted that if the purchase of public housing uses the provident fund to directly deduct the housing payment, the withdrawal audit shall be handled at the transaction acceptance outlets and bank outlets in the area where the payment bank is located

 Purchase of other ownership houses, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of ownership houses, extraction and examination should be handled at the affairs reception outlets and bank outlets in the area where the real estate is located

 The application for withdrawal of loan settlement in advance shall be handled at the business acceptance branch and bank branch in the district of the lending bank

 Other withdrawals can be made at all transaction handling outlets and bank outlets in the city


3.I want to buy a house to withdraw the housing provident fund is there a time limit?

A: There is a time limit:

 Employees who buy houses can draw housing provident funds without applying for provident fund loans,In addition to the purchase of public housing, you can directly use the provident fund to offset the house payment,The purchase of other types of housing must be issued after the property certificate can be applied for withdrawal,At the same time, the employee has a period of six months from the date of issuing the self-production certificate,Those who have not applied for withdrawal for more than six months,It will be considered an automatic waiver。

 Employees who apply for housing loans can sign the "Power of Attorney for Withdrawal of housing provident fund to return housing loans" with the loan bank after lending, and use the housing provident fund to offset housing loans。

 If the employee closes the housing loan in advance (the housing provident fund is not used at the time of settlement), he or she can withdraw the balance of the housing provident fund account at one time after the settlement, and the employee has a period of three months from the date of settlement. If he or she fails to apply for withdrawal after three months, he or she will be regarded as giving up automatically。


4. I am a member of the Shanghai account to buy a house in another place (has paid off the house), can I withdraw the provident fund?

A: Yes。If the purchase is a foreign property property, the balance of the provident fund account from the date of issuance of the property certificate six months (6 months) can be extracted once。


Medical insurance

Medical Insurance frequently Asked Questions

1. How to calculate the medical insurance contribution base and what is the contribution ratio?

A: The contribution base of the employee is the average monthly salary of the previous year。My average monthly salary in the previous year is higher than the average monthly salary of the city's employees in the previous yearIf 300%, the excess part shall not be included in the payment base;If it is less than 60% of the average monthly wage of the employees in this Municipality in the previous year, 60% of the average monthly wage of the employees in this Municipality in the previous year shall be the payment base。From January 2016, the proportion will be adjusted to 10% for units and 2% for individuals。


2. How is my health insurance card calculated?

A: The funds of the individual medical account are divided according to the age of the insured, the different circumstances of incumbence and retirement, and are counted in accordance with the medical insurance year, every yearMoney will be added to the personal health insurance card in July。The individual medical account of an employee who has participated in medical insurance at the beginning of a medical insurance year shall be included in the funds of the year;In the annual participation, the personal medical account is calculated and included in the fund according to the actual number of months from the month of actual participation to the end of the medical insurance year。Composition of personal medical account funds: All the basic medical insurance fees paid by employees are included in their personal medical account, and are separately included in their personal account according to the following standards:
Under the age of 34, the standard is 210 yuan
Between 35 and 44 years old, the standard is 420 yuan
From age 45 to retirement, the standard is 630 yuan


3. Can I take Shanghai medical insurance card to see a doctor if I work in other places for a long time? What are the regulations?

Answer: City workers whose place of employment or residence is in a foreign province or city,Can go to the district and county medical insurance center for the transfer of medical relations,You can seek medical treatment in the local medical insurance designated medical institutions;Where there is no local medical insurance,They may seek medical treatment at or above the township health centers established with the approval of the local public health administrative departments,The medical expenses incurred are inYou can apply for reimbursement in Shanghai District and county medical insurance Center within 6 months。(The transfer of the medical treatment relationship is usually 6 months, and cannot be changed within 6 months after the transfer)


4. How to handle the transfer of medical treatment relationship?

答:(1) The relationship of medical treatment is transferred from this city to other provinces and cities
Employees who are assigned by the unit to work in other provinces and cities for a long time can apply for the transfer of medical treatment to the neighboring district and county medical insurance center with the employee's ID card, "Social Security card" or "medical insurance card" and the relevant certificate issued by the unit。After the examination and approval of the district and county medical insurance center, the relevant procedures shall be handled。

After going through the procedures, the medical expenses incurred by the employee in other provinces and cities can be applied for sporadic reimbursement to the neighboring district and county medical insurance center。
2) The relationship of medical treatment is transferred from other provinces and cities to this city
If the employee's medical treatment relationship is transferred to other provinces and cities and is transferred back to Shanghai by the unit, he or she can apply for the transfer of medical treatment relationship to the neighboring district and county medical insurance center with his or her ID card, Social Security Card or medical insurance card and the relevant certificate issued by the unit。
Before handling the formalities of transferring the medical treatment relationship back to this city, the sporadic reimbursement procedures for medical expenses incurred in other provinces and cities shall be completed first。
After handling the formalities of transferring the medical treatment relationship to other places, in principleNo new transfer can be made within 6 months。However, if an employee who has a medical relationship with a foreign province or city is hospitalized within 6 months due to a serious outpatient illness or a serious illness, and must return to the hospital of this Municipality for treatment, the employee may go through the procedures for transferring the medical relationship from the foreign province or city to this Municipality on the basis of the certificate of an outpatient serious illness or admission issued by the designated medical institution of this Municipality。
The insured may entrust others to handle the matter on their behalf。The client is required to bring his or her own person and participant with him or her Valid documents of the insurer (ID card, household register, etc.)。


5. The unit has not paid the medical insurance for me, can I use the medical insurance card to see a doctor?

Answer: No, the employer and its employees pay medical insurance premiums in accordance with the regulationsEmployees can enjoy basic medical insurance treatment;Employees who fail to pay medical insurance premiums cannot enjoy basic medical insurance benefits。The employer and its employees who should pay the medical insurance premium but fail to pay the medical insurance premium may continue to enjoy the basic medical insurance treatment only after paying the medical insurance premium in full (the medical expenses incurred during the supplementary payment period will not be compensated).。


6. I am already paying for medical insurance. What do I need to bring to get medical insurance benefits?

A: Shanghai registered personnel: Social security card+ Medical records
Residents in other provinces and cities: Social Security card (special for medical insurance)+ Medical records


7. When I go to see a doctor, I forget to bring the "Medical record book", what should I do?

Answer: The insured personnel did not bring the "Medical record Book" in the emergency department of the designated hospital in this city for some reason,The hospital shall record the contents of diagnosis and treatment on the supplementary page of the record book,Emergency medical expenses will be paid by myself in cash first,Afterwards, the Medical Record Book, the supplementary pages of the Record Book, the Social Security Card or the Medical Insurance Card and the receipt of emergency medical expenses shall be presented,Apply for reimbursement at a nearby medical insurance affairs center。


8. What should I do if my Medical Record Book is lost or damaged?

Answer: After the "Medical record book" is lost or damaged, the insured person can bring the ID card to the neighboring district and county medical insurance affairs center to apply for replacement or replacement。


9. Can the original personal account funds be transferred to this city after being transferred from other provinces and cities?

Answer: If the employee is transferred to the city from other provinces and cities and participates in Shanghai's social insurance through the unit and the pension insurance account has been merged, the funds of the medical insurance individual account in other provinces and cities cannot be realized"And the medical insurance institutions in other provinces and cities stipulate that individual accounts can be transferred",The Form of Overseas Transfer of Personal Medical Account funds provided by the Shanghai Labor and social security Department (Triple Bill) and the payment certificate issued by the foreign medical insurance institution can be presented,Go to the municipal medical insurance affairs management center or the nearest district and county medical insurance affairs center for account consolidation procedures。


10. I go on a business trip, can Shanghai reimburse me for seeing a doctor in other places?

Answer: The city insurance workers in the city during the business trip, in the local medical insurance designated hospital or the health administration department approved the establishment of township health center or above hospitals, in line with the provisions of basic medical insurance emergency (including emergency) Medical expenses can be paid by the insured in cash, and can be applied for reimbursement at the district and county medical insurance affairs center (from the date of the receipt of medical expenses issued by the hospital)Apply within 6 months)。When reimbursement, the original receipt of medical expenses, relevant medical history information (hospital discharge summary and list of medical expenses), my "Social security card" or "medical insurance card" and my ID card, entrusted to others also need to carry the ID card of the client。


11.  Where can I find my medical insurance funds, status and treatment?

A: Urban and county health insurance departments will provide consulting services for the majority of employees。There are three specific ways:
(1) Medical insurance hotline: 962218
(2) Shanghai Medical Insurance website, the URL is
(3) City, district and county medical insurance service window, medical insurance staff to provide consulting services, and can provide relevant written materials


12.  I was wondering if I could get my health insurance card?Where to do?What should I do??

答:(1) If the employee with foreign household registration has not participated in the insurance before, the new insured person will first check the system to see the employee's social security payment status:
In paying status: The month after the first enrollment month15 days later, you can bring your ID card (if you entrust the agent, you need to provide the agent's ID card) to the nearby medical insurance center or street medical insurance service point (agent) to apply for the Medical insurance card and "Medical record Book".
Unpaid status: Your social security has not been actually paid for the time being, it may be that the materials have been submitted late, or it may be that you have joined the company in the last few days. You can call our company again in the middle of next month to inquire, and then you can apply for the medical insurance card after the social security has been paid (as above).。You can call the medical insurance hotline for enquiries before applying:962218。(2) The city's household registration employees please consult the street where the household registration is located for social security card


13.  Why and when can I use my health insurance card?

Answer: First check the system to see the employee's social security payment status:
Unpaid status: Your medical insurance card can not be used normally now because you have not been employed for a long time, so the social security has not been paid normally, so the cost of the medical insurance card has not been transferred to your card, you can check the balance of the medical insurance card again in the middle of next month, you can first call the medical insurance hotline to check:962218。
Secondly, it is also possible that your medical insurance card is damaged and the card fails. Please check whether the card is damaged


14.  After paying social security in Shanghai, how to apply for medical insurance card, and how to enjoy medical insurance treatment?

A: You can bring your ID card (if you entrust the agent, you need to provide the agent's ID card) to the nearby medical insurance center or street medical insurance service point (agent) to apply for the medical insurance card and "Medical record book", you can call the medical insurance hotline for enquiry before processing:962218。
职保2. Medical treatment: Non-urban registered migrant employees can enjoy outpatient medical treatment and hospitalization medical insurance treatment from the next month after they participate in the basic medical insurance for urban workers in this city。In terms of outpatient medical insurance treatment, the basic medical insurance premium paid by an individual is fully credited to his personal medical account (for outpatient).。From 2011 to 2014 (transition period), if the basic medical insurance premium paid by an individual is less than 30 yuan per month, the personal medical account is included in the standard at 30 yuan per month。The personal medical account (for outpatient service) can be used to purchase drugs in the designated pharmacies of the Municipal medical insurance and for outpatient and emergency medical treatment in the designated medical institutions of the municipal medical insurance,Until you run out;Medical treatment in hospital and emergency observation rooms,Payment of medical expenses incurred by non-urban registered foreign employees in hospital or emergency observation room,In accordance with the relevant provisions of Shanghai Municipal Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Employees;Non-city and town registered foreign employees temporarily do not enjoy outpatient serious illness and family bed medical treatment。


15.  I have to go to work in other places and do not return to Shanghai. Can I transfer my medical insurance in Shanghai?

Answer: The first step is to go to the social security center where the last unit is insured to handle the transfer procedures of pension insurance. The second step is to work in other provinces and cities to establish a medical insurance account, and let the local medical insurance center issue a basic medical insurance relationship transfer and contact The letter is then sent to Shanghai Medical Insurance Center (Kangding Road, Jing 'an District807 Treatment Management Department, Postcode 200010) Municipal Medical insurance will review after receiving the contact letter, and will contact the local medical insurance for transfer after passing。


16.  Is there any hospital policy?

A: Outpatient clinic: public hospital above district level (second level) designated by medical insurance。
Emergency: public hospitals above street level (Level 1) designated by medical insurance
Hospitalization: Public hospitals above the district level (second level) designated by medical insurance。


17.  How to understand overall payment, additional payment, self-financing and self-financing?

A: The overall payment is borne by the state, the additional payment is borne by the local government, and the self-pay is borne by the employees themselves, which is not within the scope of supplementary medical insurance reimbursement.Classification ego is a class B drug10% or 20%, within the scope of supplementary medical coverage。


18.  What is the definition of emergency?

A: refers to the first medical treatment in the following circumstances: high fever;Acute abdominal pain, severe vomiting, severe diarrhea;Acute allergic disease;Shock and coma of various causes;Seizures;Severe wheezing and dyspnea;Acute thorax Pain, acute heart failure, severe arrhythmia;Hypertension crisis, hypertension disease, cerebrovascular accident;Acute bleeding due to various causes;Acute urinary tract bleeding, urinary atresia, renal colic;Various acute poisonings (e.g. food or Drug poisoning);Brain trauma, fracture, dislocation, laceration, burn, scalding, or other serious trauma;Various poisonous animal and insect bites;Food foreign bodies in the five senses and respiratory tract, acute eye pain, redness, swelling, sudden visual impairment Patients with eye injuries;Illness of the infant within the first two months;Other critical, urgent and serious diseases。


19.  Can medical treatment without a card be reimbursed?

Answer: If the emergency card is not used, please go to the medical insurance center of the district in time to handle the settlement procedures and reimburse it;
No reimbursement will be given if the card is not used in outpatient or inpatient treatment。


20.  If I am on a business trip, will I be reimbursed for going to the hospital?

Answer: When you travel outside the place of social insurance payment, you must have emergency treatment in a hospital above the city level (you must have an emergency badge)。


21.  Is there a dose limit for each prescription?

A: Acute disease three days, outpatient disease seven days, chronic disease 14 days, more than the prescribed drug costs will not be paid。

Residence permit points processing

Residence permit points handling frequently asked questions

1.  What are the conditions for applying for "Shanghai Residence Permit"?

A: Lawful and stable residence and lawful and stable employment。

If there is real estate, the applicant shall carry his/her identity certificate materials for residence registration;After 6 months to apply for a residence permit (residence registration valid for 1 year), business card printing。

If there is no real estate, after the lease contract is signed online for the record, the applicant shall carry his/her identity certificate materials for residence registration;After 6 months to apply for a residence permit (residence registration valid for 1 year), business card printing。


2.  Where can I apply for Shanghai Residence Permit??

Answer: Individuals go to the corresponding community affairs center in Shanghai, you can962222 citizen information website search。


3. Can the dispatched staff apply for points?

Only employees who are dispatched to the Shanghai entity company can handle it。Dispatch to other provinces and cities, not。 


4. Can I get extra points for my academic qualifications?

Additional points for self-study examination, adult higher education, online education certificate, need to provide graduate registration form, transcript (return stamp in the archive)。


5. How long does it take to get points approved?

If you are applying for points for the first time, you need to change files/ Verification, as well as verification of academic qualifications and degrees, generally takes about 2 months;In casePoints renewal, if no file transfer is required/ nuclear file, generally takes about 1 month, if you need to change the file/nuclear file, the time will be extended accordingly。


6. My child wants to participate in the city's medical insurance, how to score?

Apply for points attache for children。 


7. My spouse has a Shanghai account, what materials does my spouse need to provide when I apply for points?

Spouse Shanghai account, need to provide marriage certificate, spouse ID card, spouse household register。 


8. Can a child with a "Shanghai Residence Permit" attend a kindergarten in the city?

Kindergartens are not included in the nine-year compulsory education policy, depending on the enrollment conditions of kindergartens。 


9. I changed the unit, I need to change the company name of the points, how to do?

If the credits are within the validity period, provide the unit change materials to the new unit personnel, and the new unit will operate the unit change;If the points are about to expire or have expired, directly contact the new unit personnel to renew the points, and at the same time provide the unit change materials to operate together。

Industrial injury insurance

Work-related injury Insurance frequently asked Questions

1. What circumstances can be recognized as work-related injuries?
1) During working hours and in the workplace, due to work-related injuries
2) In the workplace before and after working hours, engaged in preparatory or finishing work related to the accident injury
3) During working hours and in the workplace, accidental injuries such as violence are suffered due to the performance of work duties
4) Suffering from occupational diseases
5) When he is out for work, he is injured or his whereabouts are unknown due to work reasons
6) In the course of commuting, he is injured by a traffic accident or an urban rail transit, passenger ferry, or train accident for which he is not primarily responsible


2. What are the conditions for the acceptance of the time limit and the conditions for the recognition of work-related injury?

答:Where an accident injury occurs on January 1, 2004, or is diagnosed or assessed as an occupational disease (hereinafter referred to as an accident injury), the employer shall, within 30 days from the date of the accident injury, file an application to the district and county labor security administrative department for identification of the injury。If the employer fails to file an application for recognition of industrial injury within the prescribed time limit, the employee or his immediate family or the trade union organization may file an application for recognition of industrial injury with the district and county labor security administrative department within one year from the date of the accident。


3. How to go through the procedures for enjoying the treatment of employees who are injured or injured due to work?

Answer: In case of work-related injury or death, the injured person or his immediate family or the employer shall go through the procedures of work-related injury insurance treatment with the handling agency and provide the following relevant materials:
1) Complete the application form for work-related injury insurance benefits
2) Payment certificate of industrial injury medical expenses (diagnosis of rescue treatment)
3) Evidence of the employment relationship between the injured person and the employer responsible for the injury (labor contract)
4) Other relevant materials


4.    What benefits can employees enjoy if they are found to be injured at work?

1) Work stoppage and pay period treatment
2) Medical treatment
3) One-time disability benefit
4) Disability Allowance (with disability level)
5) Daily care expenses (completely unable to take care of themselves, most of their lives can not take care of themselves, part of their lives can not take care of themselves)
Note: The standards for enjoying benefits shall be formulated by the Municipal Labor and Security Bureau according to the changes in the average salary of employees and the consumer price index of the city, and shall be implemented after approval by the municipal government。
6) Pensions for immediate family members (death at work)
7) One-time death benefit (death at work)

Unemployment insurance

Unemployment Insurance frequently Asked Questions

1. I lost my job. Can I collect unemployment insurance?

Answer: To receive unemployment insurance benefits, you must meet the following conditions:
1) Interruption of employment is not my intention
2) have registered for unemployment and have job search requirements
3) Pay unemployment insurance for at least one year before unemployment


2. How to apply for unemployment registration?


Offline application: Go to the street or township labor service office (social security service center) where the household registration is located to apply for unemployment registration;Unemployment insurance registration shall be handled by the person, and in special cases, if others are required to act on behalf of the person, the labor service office (Social security Service center) shall agree

Online application: Search "Unemployment Registration (City residence/non-city residence)" through the "Application with Application" APP,

1) Those who meet the conditions may apply for unemployment insurance benefits

2) The application procedures for unemployment insurance shall be handled by the applicant on the agreed date, with the Labor Manual, at the district or county sub-center of job introduction where the resident registration is located, under the premise of receiving career guidance from the vocational instructor and having job search requirements。


3.    What are the unemployment insurance benefits?

A: The benefits are:
1) Unemployment insurance。This is the basic living expenses paid to eligible unemployed people and is the most important unemployment insurance benefit。The time limit for receiving unemployment insurance compensation shall be determined according to the accumulated payment time of the unemployed;
2) Medical institutions for unemployed persons。Under normal circumstances, the unemployed shall seek medical treatment in the hospital designated by the district and county unemployment insurance administrative department;If it is necessary to make a referral, the consent of the district and county unemployment insurance administrative department shall be obtained in advance。If the unemployed are suffering from acute illness, they should seek medical treatment in the hospital designated by the basic medical insurance of employees in this municipality。About medical benefit calculation。For the medical expenses incurred by the unemployed, during the period of receiving unemployment insurance, they shall participate in the basic medical insurance for employees and enjoy the benefits of the basic medical insurance for employees。
3) Funeral benefits for persons who die during the unemployment insurance period and pensions for their spouses and immediate family members。 The funeral subsidy shall be paid at twice the average monthly salary of the employees in this Municipality last year。


4. Time to claim unemployment insurance benefits?

Answer: Social security is transferred out, and personnel files are returned to the place of residence。

Apply for settling down

Home transfer chapter

oneDo I need a residence permit for 7 consecutive years before I can apply for a residence transfer?

A: No need, accumulated full7年。


2. Social Security needs to be topped up continuouslySeven years to apply for a transfer?

Answer: Social security requires the accumulation of normal payment during the card period7年。


3.Do I need to pay personal income tax for 7 consecutive years?

A: Individual tax is required to be paid normally during the certificate period, that isAll individual income taxes paid in Shanghai after January 2006 need to be provided。


4. 以近36 months social security base is twice the social level of the previous year to declare, must be continuous?

A: It must be continuous, if it is caused by entry and exit reasonsOne or two unpaid and supplementary payments can be recognized, and the unpaid and supplementary payments during the normal term of service are not recognized, and must be renewed for 36 consecutive months starting from the month of normal payment。


5. Can the spouse accompany the transfer of residence?

Answer: The applicant must have a senior title or a provincial or ministerial award, and the spouse has a residence permit and has paid social security in Shanghai normally, before he can move with him。


6. Can my children move with me?

A: Minor children or ordinary high schools over 16 years old can move with them。


7. Lingang new area residential transfer policy changes?

答:This policy optimization, for the various types of talents introduced by employers in the new area of Lingang, on the basis of the current policy of shortening the number of years of residence and transfer, a more relaxed evaluation standard has been tried out, that is, the latestThose who have accumulated 36 months in 4 years and who have paid urban social insurance in the city in the month of declaration have reached 1 times the average salary of employed persons in urban units of the city in the previous year may not be restricted by the title or professional qualification level when applying for residence transfer。


8. What is the change of Zhangjiang Science City residence transfer policy?

Answer: For the talents introduced by the employing units of Zhangjiang Science City, the period of residence transfer is from7 years reduced to 5 years (including at least 3 years in Zhangjiang Science City);Backbone talents of key industries in Zhangjiang Science City, the period of residence transfer has been shortened from 7 years to 3 years (including no less than 2 years of working time in Zhangjiang Science City)。


9. Zhangjiang Science City employing units to introduce talents how to apply for residence transfer?

Answer: Talents introduced by Zhangjiang Science City employers who meet the requirements of shortening the period of residence transfer shall make a written commitment to continue to work in Zhangjiang Science City after settling downMore than 2 years, and by the employer to Zhangjiang Science City designated personnel service agencies to apply and issue a recommendation letter, in accordance with the city's regulations on the transfer of residence to declare。


10.  What are the specific contents of this policy optimization?

A: First, for the domestic personnel who work in the employer registered in the administrative area of the city and hold the "Shanghai Residence Permit", recentlyThose who have accumulated 36 months in 4 years and who have paid urban social insurance in the city in the month of declaration have reached 2 times the average salary of employed persons in urban units of the city in the previous year may not be restricted by the title or professional qualification level when applying for residence transfer。The second is in the city has been appointed as intermediate title or has a technician (national secondary vocational qualification certificate) professional qualification personnel to apply for residence transfer, should meet a certain market evaluation standards。

Sea turtle settlement

1. Requirements for the applicant"Registered capital of RMB 1 million and above", if the registered capital is in foreign currency, how to calculate?

A: If the registered capital is in foreign currency, it shall be converted into RMB according to the exchange rate on the date of registration1 million yuan and above。


2. Domestic full-time postgraduate exchange students can apply?

Answer: Domestic full-time postgraduate exchange students have completed their studies in universities and scientific research institutions outside China1 year, with reference to Article 3 (1), paragraph 4 of the implementation of training personnel。


3. The study time is generally not less than half a year.How to define 1 year and 2 years?

Answer: It means that the actual study and stay time of overseas students is generally not less than180 days, 360 days, 720 days, based on the entry and exit records during the study period, and the time specified on the certificate of foreign education and degree。


4. Those who drop out of school or study abroad during the full-time academic education in China can apply?

A: Students who drop out of school or study abroad during the full-time academic education in China, and transfer some credits abroad, need to provide relevant student status materials。


5. How to define the return time?

Answer: If you return to China after obtaining a foreign degree certificate,The time of first entry after graduation from overseas study (generally the time of obtaining the certificate) shall prevail;Such as obtaining a foreign degree certificate after returning to China,The last time of entry before graduation (generally the time of obtaining the certificate) shall prevail;If you work outside the country (territory) after studying abroad,The time of first entry after finishing overseas work shall prevail。


6. About studying abroad should be after returning homeIf you come to work in this city within 2 years, sign a labor or employment contract with this city's employing unit according to law, pay social insurance premiums and individual income tax in this city according to regulations?

Answer: In principle, overseas students should sign labor or employment contracts with municipal employers and pay social insurance premiums and individual income tax normally after returning homeWithin 24 months, and continue to work in the city's relevant employers。The payment of social insurance premiums and individual income tax shall not be recognized。


7. How to identify a position equivalent to associate professor, associate researcher or above in a high-level foreign university or internationally renowned scientific research institution?

A: Generally, it should be ahead of the world ranking500 universities or well-known scientific research institutions hold relevant positions, and provide employment materials issued by relevant units。


8. About in the worldTop 500 well-known enterprises, multinational companies, etc. hold senior management, technology, scientific research positions how to identify?

A: The worldTop 500 well-known enterprises shall be subject to the list in the application system, and those who hold senior management, technology, and scientific research positions shall provide the employment materials issued by the relevant units (including job title, job description, salary and other information), and provide the company's organizational structure chart。


9. 关于"Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Occupation List" "Key industries, key regions and basic research fields" how to identify the employer?

Answer: The list identified by the relevant competent department of this city shall prevail。

Talent introduction and settlement

1. Whether the only child should provide the only child certificate?

A: Yes。


2. Whether the second child should provide the birth permit and the second child approval form?

A: Yes。


3. Have worked in the company for more than two years?

A: Provide all employment contracts and tax forms that you have worked for the company。


4. Whether providing tax forms is a bonus?

A: Talent introduction does not adopt a scoring system。


5. The same head office, switch between branches in Shanghai, whether the working years can be accumulated?

A: No。


6. Overseas education is available?

A: The academic qualifications of overseas cooperative schools need to be verified by the overseas personnel Bureau before they can be declared。

Fresh graduates settle down

1. What are the application conditions for fresh graduates of 2022 employers?

 Registered in Shanghai before May 31, 2021

 The registered capital of the entity legal person company shall reach RMB1 million yuan (inclusive), non-entity legal person company, the superior legal person company registered capital is generally not less than 10 million yuan

 A branch office (i.e., a branch office) of a corporation is recentPay social security and enterprise value-added tax for employees every month for 12 months (the tax amount cannot be zero)

 In 2021, the turnover rate of employees who have completed the hukou of fresh graduates has not reached 100% (the replacement of social security subjects is regarded as turnover)


2. The conditions for 2022 employees should also be met:

 Students included in the national unified enrollment plan of ordinary colleges and universities

 Sign an employment agreement for one year or more (direct employment agreement)

 It does not belong to directed and commissioned cultivation

 Complete the studies and obtain the diploma and degree certificate

 During the school period, there was no labor relationship or employment relationship with any employer, and did not pay social insurance

 Non-dispatched workers

Maternity insurance

Maternity Insurance frequently asked questions

1. Conditions for applying for maternity allowance?

1) Female workers who participate in the municipal maternity insurance and meet the conditions stipulated by the national and municipal laws and regulations to give birth or have an abortion may apply for maternity insurance benefits from the municipal social insurance agencies in accordance with the provisions。

2) The employer shall pay the accumulated maternity insurance premium for the female employee in the month of childbirth or abortion12Monthly or consecutive payment of maternity insurance premiums9The maternity living allowance shall be paid in full by the maternity insurance fund。

3) The employer is dissatisfied with the cumulative payment of maternity insurance premiums for female employees in the month of childbirth and abortion12The birth insurance premium has not been paid continuously for a month9The maternity living allowance shall be paid by the maternity insurance fund according to the number of paid months÷12The remaining part shall be paid in advance by the employing unit of the month in which the female worker gives birth or has an abortion;The employing unit has paid the accumulated fees for the employee12Monthly or continuous payment9After a month, you can apply to the social security agency for payment of the fees already paid in advance。


2. What maternity insurance benefits can women who give birth enjoy?

A: The maternity insurance benefits that eligible women can enjoy after childbirth or abortion include maternity living allowances and maternity medical expenses subsidies。

3. Women who have given birth may apply for maternity insurance benefits?

1) Employed women with urban household registration in this municipality, whose units have participated in urban social insurance in this municipality and have established personal accounts in accordance with regulations
2) Unemployed women with urban household registration in this municipality who participate in urban social insurance in this municipality according to regulations and have established personal accounts according to regulations
3) Female freelancers with urban household registration in the city, informal employment labor organization personnel, participate in the city's urban social insurance and establish a personal account in accordance with the regulations
4) Employed women who do not have urban household registration in the city shall establish labor relations with employers who participate in urban social insurance in the city and pay urban social insurance in the city, and pay in the month of birth or abortion (such as: residents with residence permits and urban household registration in other provinces and cities pay five insurances in the unit)
Note: The women who gave birth mentioned above are allFamily planning

4. What is the standard of maternity living allowance?
The standard of monthly maternity living allowance for working women shall be the average monthly wages of the employees of the employing unit in which they work in the month in which they give birth or have an abortion。The average monthly wages of employees in the previous year in the employer where the working woman was working at the time of childbirth or abortion were higher Average monthly wages of employees in the city in the previous yearIf 300%, 300% shall be calculated;If the salary is less than 60% of the average monthly salary of the city's employees in the previous year, the salary shall be calculated at 60%;However, if it is lower than the minimum standard of maternity living allowance prescribed by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, it shall be calculated according to the minimum standard。
The average monthly wages of the employees of the employing unit to which the employed woman is working at the time of childbirth or abortion in the previous year are higher than the average monthly wages of the employees of the whole city in the previous year in this municipalityIf more than 300%, the excess part shall be made up by the employing unit。
Working women before childbirth or abortionIf the working unit changes within 12 months, the monthly maternity living allowance shall be calculated according to the weighted average of the average monthly wages of the employees of the employing units worked in the previous year in the 12 months before the birth or abortion。

5. What is the duration of the maternity allowance?

1) Those who give birth are entitled to 158 days of maternity living allowance

2) Less than 4 months of pregnancy (abortion or ectopic pregnancy, according to 15 days to enjoy maternity living allowance)

3) After 4 months of pregnancy, abortion or outside the palace, according to 42 days to enjoy maternity living allowance

4) Women giving birth who qualify for maternity allowance shall be entitled to maternity allowance in accordance with the following provisions:

① In case of difficult childbirth, the maternity living allowance for half a month will be increased

(2) In case of multiple births, the maternity living allowance will be increased by half a month for each additional baby born

6. What is the subsidy standard for fertility medical expenses?

Women who meet the prescribed conditions to give birth or have an abortion are entitled to subsidies for maternity medical expenses according to the following criteria:                               

1) For childbearing, the maternity medical expenses subsidy shall be calculated at 3600 yuan;

2)妊娠More than 4 months (including 4 months) of natural abortion, fertility medical fees贴按600 yuan calculation and payment;If the pregnancy is less than 4 months of natural abortion, the maternity medical expenses subsidy is calculated at 400 yuan。


7. Types and days of leave for maternity living allowance?

98 days of natural birth, 15 days of obstructed birth, 15 days of birth leave for each additional baby born in multiple births, 60 days;

The man is entitled to 10 days paternity leave。

Abortion: less than 4 months of pregnancy, 15 days;Miscarriage at four months, 42 days。

8. May I ask how to reimburse the cost of childbirth?

A: Pregnancy examination fees and delivery fees will be reimbursed after delivery。


9. Can the baby expenses be reimbursed during childbirth?

A: Medical expenses incurred by the child are not included in the maternity reimbursement。


10. How to apply for maternity insurance benefits (maternity living allowance and maternity medical expenses subsidy)?

Answer: The handling agencies handle the application procedures for maternity insurance treatment。The following materials shall be provided at the time of application:
1) The original ID cards and attachments of both husband and wife
2) The birth woman's identity card and bank passbook in her real name (original and copy)
3) Fertility Medical Certificate issued by medical institution
4) The marriage certificate and the household register of the couple who gave birth to the woman
5) Those who meet the conditions for having a second child within the plan shall also provide a birth approval letter issued by the municipal or district or county population and family planning administrative department
6) Women who are not registered in this city and give birth shall also provide a certificate of permission to give birth issued by the family planning administrative department or the township (town) people's government or the sub-district office of the place of registration
7) Women who meet the conditions of maternity insurance can entrust others to apply for the procedure after childbirth or abortion, and the client shall provide his/her identity card (original and copy) and the power of attorney of the client


11. Whether working women are also required to pay social insurance premiums during childbirth?

A: During the period when working women receive maternity allowances, their units and individuals should still pay social insurance premiums according to regulations。Part of the personal payment of the working women who have established labor relations with the units shall be withheld and remitted by the units to which they belong。


12. Women who give birth in other provinces or cities may enjoy maternity insurance benefits?

Answer: Women who meet the conditions stipulated in the Measures for Urban Maternity Insurance of Shanghai and give birth in medical institutions in other provinces or cities due to special circumstances must provide the birth status certificate and the baby's birth certificate issued by the local medical institutions at or above the county level when applying for maternity insurance benefits。


13. I would like to know how the leave is calculated during the prenatal examination?

A: According to the Regulations on Labor Protection for Female Employees and the Special Regulations on Labor Protection for Female Employees just adopted this year,"Pregnant female workers undergo prenatal examinations during working hours, and the time required is counted into working hours.。From the beginning of the construction of a small card, each time with the doctor's appointment to the birth examination time is counted as normal attendance。

Endowment insurance

Endowment insurance FAQ

How to confirm the place of receiving pension insurance benefits?

Answer: Specifically, when the statutory retirement age is reached, the pension insurance relationship is located。

1关系- Domicile: retirement is handled at domicile

2关系- Non-registered residence (at least 10 years) : the place to retire

3关系- Non-registered place (less than 10 years) : Return to the previous place for more than 10 years of retirement, or all gathered to the registered place for retirement


How to calculate the pension benefits?

A: According to the current policy, the formula for calculating pension benefits is: monthly basic pension= Basic pension + Individual account pension。The level of the pension depends on the average salary level of the retirement place, the amount of personal account savings, the personal contribution base and the contribution period。

1) Basic pension =(Provincial/municipal average monthly salary of employees in the previous year + my indexed average monthly contribution salary)/2* contribution years *1%= Provincial/municipal average monthly salary of employees in the previous year (1+ my average contribution index)/2* contribution years *1%。

2) Personal Account pension = total amount saved in personal account/number of months accrued。The preliminary calculation can be referred to the national Social security public service platform - Urban employee pension insurance treatment calculation


What is reemployment after retirement?


1)Definition: The relationship between the employer and the personnel who have been legally entitled to pension insurance or pension is defined as the service relationship (i.eSpecial labor relations) processing。

2Employment relations: working hours, labor protection, minimum wage three basic guarantees, other aspects through the agreement。

3Social Security: No more social insurance contributions after retirement。


如何Go through the procedures for early retirement after personal death

Answer: The following information can be referred to for personal early retirement procedures:



如何Go through early retirement procedures for individual special jobs

Answer: Please refer to the following information to handle the early retirement procedures for personal special jobs



Annual vacation

1. How to determine the number of annual vacation days?

: The number of annual leave days is determined according to the cumulative working hours of the employee。The period during which an employee works in the same or different units, as well as in accordance with laws, administrative regulations or the provisions of The State Council, shall be counted as the accumulated working hours。


2. Whether the annual leave can be arranged across the year?

答:Annual leave generally does not span the annual arrangement, but because of the characteristics of production and work is really necessary to arrange the annual leave of employees, units can span1 annual arrangement, subject to the employee's consent。


3. Whether the annual leave can be arranged by the employees themselves?

答:According to the specific situation of production and work, and taking into account the wishes of the employees themselves, the unit shall arrange the annual leave of the employees。


4. Whether the unit needs to arrange annual leave for the year in which the employee is dismissed?

答:If a unit rescinds or terminates a labor contract with an employee, it shall be granted annual leave according to the number of calendar days passed by the unit in the current year, which is insufficient after conversion1 The whole day part is not counted。
Specific conversion method: (The calendar days of the current year in the unit have passed÷365 days) × the number of annual leave that the employee should enjoy throughout the year - the number of annual leave that has been arranged in the current year。


5. If the unit terminates the contract with the employee and the employee has taken more annual leave in the current year than the number of days converted into annual leave according to regulations, can the unit deduct it?

答:If the employer rescinds or terminates the labor contract with the employee and the employer has arranged annual leave for the employee in the current year, the number of days more than the converted annual leave shall no longer be deducted。

Maternity leave chapter

onePaternity leave is a few days now?

Answer: In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations to give birth to children, the man enjoys the spouse's paternity leave of 10 days, paternity leave should be used during the maternity leave, including weekends, in case of statutory holidays。

2. How many days is the maternity leave for female employees in Shanghai now?

Answer: At present, female workers in this city enjoy 98 days of maternity leave, including 15 days of prenatal leave;In addition to the maternity leave stipulated by the state, you can also enjoy another 30 days of maternity leave。If it is difficult to give birth, increase the maternity leave by 15 days;In case of multiple births, maternity leave shall be increased by 15 days for each additional baby。

Personal leave

1. May I ask how the salary of the staff of the public institution is calculated during the personal leave?

The salary and treatment of staff members of public institutions in this Municipality during the personal leave period shall be based on the salary of Shanghai employees (1992) Document No. 24 and Huren (1994) Document No. 46 were implemented。Annual accumulated personal leave shall not exceed 20 days or consecutive personal leave shall not exceed 10 days,Basic salary shall be paid as usual;Annual accumulated personal leave more than 20 days or consecutive personal leave more than 10 days,The excess days shall be calculated at 70% of the basic salary;More than 30 days of accumulated personal leave per year,If the number of days exceeds 50% of my basic salary;More than 60 days of accumulated personal leave per year,Deduct my basic salary if I exceed the number of days。

Sick leave

1. What is a medical period?

答:The term "medical treatment period" refers to the period during which a laborer stops working for medical treatment and rest due to illness or non-work-related injury, and the employer may not terminate the labor contract for this reason。


2. How to determine the medical treatment period of workers in the unit?

答:The medical treatment period shall be set according to the working years of the worker in the employer。The worker works in the unit1 year, the medical treatment period is 3 months;After each full year of work, the medical treatment period will be increased by 1 month, but not more than 24 months。
In the following cases, where the agreement on the medical treatment period is longer than the above provisions, the agreement shall be taken as follows:
  (1) The collective contract has a special agreement on the medical treatment period;
  (2) The labor contract has a special agreement on the medical treatment period;
  (3) The internal rules and regulations of the employer have special provisions for the medical treatment period。


3. Under what circumstances can the medical period be extended?

答:Where a worker is assessed by the labor capacity appraisal committee to be completely incapable of working but does not meet the conditions for retirement or resignation, the medical treatment period shall be extended。The extended medical treatment period shall be specifically agreed upon between the employer and the worker, provided that the total agreed extended medical treatment period shall not be less than the medical treatment period stipulated in the preceding article24个月。


4. Employees are on continuous leave due to illness or non-work-related injuryWhat is the standard of sick pay (sick leave pay) payable by the company within 6 months?

答:The enterprise shall pay sick pay (sick leave pay) according to the following standards:
  (1) If the continuous service is less than 2 years, 60% of the salary shall be calculated;
  (2) For those who have worked continuously for less than 4 years, they shall be paid at 70% of their salary;
  (3) If the continuous working experience is less than 6 years and less than 4 years, 80% of the salary shall be calculated;
  (4) If the continuous working experience is less than 8 years and more than 6 years, 90% of the salary shall be calculated;
  (5) For those who have worked continuously for 8 years or more, they will be paid at 100% of their salary。


5. More consecutive leave due to illness or non-work-related injuryWhat is the standard of sick pay (sickness relief) payable by the enterprise for 6 months?

答:The enterprise shall pay sick pay (sickness benefit) according to the following standards:
  (1) For those with less than 1 year of continuous service, 40% of their salary shall be calculated;
  (2) If the continuous working experience is less than 3 years, 50% of the salary shall be calculated;
  (3) For those who have worked continuously for 3 years or more, 60% of their salary will be calculated。

Funeral leave

1. How can bereavement leave be granted for the death of an employee's immediate family members (parents, spouse and children)?

答:The death of an employee's immediate family members (parents, spouse and children) may be approved by the administrative leader of the unit according to the specific circumstances and given as appropriate1-3 days of bereavement leave。If the funeral is taken care of in other places, an additional travel leave may be granted according to the distance traveled。


2. Can the maternal grandfather of an employee of a unit pass away, apply for bereavement leave?

答:The maternal grandfather of the employee is not included in the scope of immediate family members, and there is no provision for the bereavement leave after his death (except for those approved by the unit).。


3. My mother-in-law passed away yesterday. I wonder if I have bereavement leave?

答:After the death of an employee's parents-in-law or parents-in-law, if the employee needs to take care of the funeral, the administrative leader of the unit may approve it1-3 days of bereavement leave。


4. My father just passed away. I have to go out of town to take care of the funeral. What do you say

答:In addition to the approval of the leader of the unit to give funeral leave, for the funeral in other places, according to the distance of the distance, can be granted another distance leave。During the period of approved funeral leave and travel leave, the wages of the staff and workers shall be paid as usual。


5. What are the rules for payment of wages during bereavement leave?

答:The wages paid during the funeral leave period shall be paid by the Shanghai People's Association (2016) Implementation of the provisions of Document 29。

When laborers enjoy marriage leave, funeral leave, family leave, sick leave and other leave according to law, the enterprise shall pay vacation wages in accordance with regulations。The basis for the calculation of vacation pay is the normal monthly wage corresponding to the worker's position, excluding the year-end bonus, commuting subsidy, working meal subsidy, housing subsidy, mid-night shift allowance, summer heat allowance, overtime pay and other special circumstances。

The basis for calculating leave pay shall be determined according to the following principles:

(1) Where there is a clear agreement on the monthly wage of the worker in the labor contract, the monthly wage corresponding to the position of the worker as agreed in the labor contract shall be determined;If the actual performance is inconsistent with the provisions of the labor contract, the monthly wage corresponding to the position of the laborer who actually performed the performance shall be determined。

(2) If the monthly wage of the worker is not clearly stipulated in the labor contract, and the monthly wage corresponding to the post is stipulated in the collective contract (wage-specific collective contract), the monthly wage corresponding to the post of the worker shall be determined according to the monthly wage stipulated in the collective contract (wage-specific collective contract)。

(3) Where there is no agreement on the monthly wage of the laborer in the labor contract or collective contract (wage special collective contract), the wage stipulated in Article 2 of these Measures shall be based on the normal attendance month of the laborer (excluding overtime wage)70%确定。The base for calculating vacation pay shall not be lower than the minimum wage standard prescribed by this municipality。Where laws and regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail。

Marriage holiday

1. The wedding leave is a few days?

A: Citizens who marry in accordance with the provisions of the law, in addition to enjoying the marriage leave stipulated by the state (3 days), an additional 7 days of marriage leave;The additional marriage leave shall generally be used consecutively in combination with the previous 3 days。


2. Whether remarried employees can enjoy marriage leave?

A: The legal status of the remarried and the first marriage is the same, and the employer should refer to the relevant provisions of the state to give the same marriage leave treatment as the first marriage。


3. How to pay during the wedding leave?

Answer: During the period of marriage leave enjoyed by the laborer in accordance with the law, the unit shall pay vacation wages。The basis for the calculation of vacation pay is the normal monthly wage corresponding to the worker's position, excluding the year-end bonus, commuting subsidy, working meal subsidy, housing subsidy, mid-night shift allowance, summer heat allowance, overtime pay and other special circumstances。For specific determination principles, see Article 9 of the Measures for the Payment of Wages by Enterprises in Shanghai。

4. Whether taking marriage leave will affect taking annual leave?

A: No。The family leave, marriage and funeral leave, maternity leave and other holidays prescribed by the state and the period of suspension of work due to work-related injury are not included in the annual leave。


5. Does the wedding leave relate to the date of receipt on the marriage certificate?

Answer: At present, there is no document to stipulate the limitation of marriage leave, and the unit generally develops the corresponding leave management system through democratic procedures。It is recommended that after obtaining the marriage certificate, the workers should timely understand the specific measures for leave from their units。